Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Encounter at a Trash Bin

--by caroline2, posted Sep 27, 2012

My 25 year old daughter had just purchased a home in San Diego, near San Diego State University, and I wasn't too fond of the neighborhood at night.  

We pulled into a gas station near her home around 8 PM. I was sitting in the passenger seat of her SUV, and noticed an old guy with a white beard taking trash out of the cans on the gas island. He picked out a smoothie container, half full, held it up to the light, and took a swig. He shuddered, and then put the lid on it and popped it in his bag. He repeated the procedure with a bottle of Sprite.

I looked away, embarrassed for him that he didn't care who was watching (although he couldn't see me through the window) and so sad for him and for all of us, that we could let this happen in such an affluent society. I wanted to give him money, but he hadn't asked and I was afraid it would insult him.

Just then, my daughter poked her head in the car and said, "Mom, can I borrow some money? I'll pay you back".

I knew why.

I handed her a $20 (all I had in my wallet) and she handed it to him. He looked at her and said thanks, then looked down at the bill and tried to hand it back, thinking she'd given the 20 by mistake.

When she refused it, he looked in pleadingly at me, and with tears in my throat I said, " No, it’s for you. Bless you," feeling heartbroken that I couldn’t do more for him, and ashamed for all of us that this beautiful, dignified, 80-something bearded man was reduced to eating from a gas station trash bin.

I hope the money was a blessing for him. His blessing to my daughter and me-- the opportunity to give from our hearts and to be grateful for all we have-- was without price.

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Readers Comments

Vallabhi wrote: Thank you for sharing.

Bless you, take care
jsmc10 wrote: Thank you for being there for this man, bless you :)
Blessed2BKind wrote: Thanks for sharing, i'm glad you cared enough to help.
Sundi wrote: Your daughter is a true gem of a person; you raised her well.

As for the welfare offices, no, that option does not suffice for most of these people who are asked to comply with what amounts to prison for them. Some states may have good options, but others require a check-in at a 'facility. ' many homeless in my area prefer to avoid that sort of monitoring. So yes, a handout such as this just might save a life.
bilkis wrote: Yes there are so many people starving in this world, may we have more people with big hearts to help them when possible. God bless you
bilkis wrote: Yes there are so many people starving in this world, may we have more people with big hearts to help them when possible. God bless you
bilkis wrote: Yes there are so many people starving in this world, may we have more people with big hearts to help them when possible. God bless you
vampire wrote: That,s not just a act of kindness ma you and your child is what i call true christian,s that true compassion. Not because you gave him money it,was because you cared about another human being. And to people who think they no so much about welfare let me just tell you you can not just walk in there and get f/s for free not in the state of fla. It took me and my baby about 3 months to get any help so please don,t go around telling starving people this untruth. Cause i just lost 7oo dollars on a used car that was all the money i had and this man will not even help he on vas. With it and no one will help me i,m sorry i,m just lost faith in people
Joy wrote: Touching. So kind of you and your daughter. One day i hope to see a world where our all our needs for the basics are met.
rita wrote: In my own country its as common as air to see poeple eatrin from refuse dumps. And we are called the giant of africa. You people shuld be grateful to god for blessing u with ur land.

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