Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Free Money At Walmart

--by wasabe13, posted Oct 19, 2012

I hand-designed some of my own Smile cards. One is for "hiding" money in unexpected places. It basically says I hope that this will be found by someone who really needs it. 

So, I went to a local Walmart here in Hawaii and placed a $20 bill with the card behind a product. I then went to another aisle to see who found it. I so wanted to see how they reacted! 
After a while a lady found the money and the note. Then she looked around to see if she could identify who left it. To my surprise she put it back! I guess she really didn't need it. She then went to another aisle to watch who would find the money!
After about another seven minutes a lady with a young boy found the money. They too started looking around and even at the ceiling! I guess they were looking for hidden cameras! 
Again the money was put back. 
I was now watching them and the first lady's reaction! They too walked down an aisle to wait and watch. The problem was that they stood next to me, so I left. 
I never saw who eventually needed the money but I did get to witness just how amazing some people are! 


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Readers Comments

Hayat wrote: What a great tool to understand the impact of your efforts and investment. Thanks for sharing.
thaata wrote: It is very nice of you to thinking of helping a needy person and bringing cheers to them. Love begets love.
jsmc10 wrote: Wow! Chain reaction! I know it made it into good hands :)
monick.halm wrote: I love this story! I'm a fan of leaving money to be found too, but i've never thought to say "leave this for someone who really needs it" - this created a chain of generosity! How wonderful!
Blessed2BKind wrote: Lol cool :)
syed nisar uddin wrote: I and my family members are muslims. We are ready to convert into christianity. If we convert into christian in india , we will be in danger and muslims will kill me and my family. So, we want to migrate to canada for whole life to convert into christian so that we will look after the church.
Shirley Marsh wrote: What a fantastic idea! I'm going to try it at my local supermarket. Wonder if it will get a similar response; because that was the best part - so many people being generous!
sysgram wrote: You are an inspiration. I'm thinking what i can do now.
Joy wrote: What a great story! So nice to know that others wanted it to go to someone who really needed it. I'm sure it landed in the perfect hands. Blessings.
Jami2D wrote: Such a cute story! This is just like a fairytale. It ended just they way we always hope it will with people being kind and a cliff hanger to leave you hanging on and waiting for more. Dun-da-dun. Kindness is contagious and your changing the world one aok at a time!

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