Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Crown Coin

--by Anon, posted Jul 14, 2006
When my father married my mother in 1943 he gave my mother a 1937 crown coin and told her to keep it in the back of her purse and not spend it. This would mean that she always felt that she was protected and would always have money if she really needed it.

When I was married in 1970 my husband who had heard this story, obtained a 1937 crown for me and I have always kept it in my wallet, and I have always had enough for my needs.
A friend recently fell on hard times, partly through external circumstances and partly through poor planning. Friends and I have loaned her money, paid her bills, even given her food, tried to teach her budget techniques, and none of it has been a solution, she has just slipped deeper and deeper into financial trouble and depression.

Last week she looked pale and unwell, very depressed and hopeless, very sad for a friend to see I then thought about how the crown, a physical reminder of another's care and love had protected me, so I went to the bank for a $100 dollar bill. I told my friend the story and asked her to keep the $100 in the back of her wallet. It turned out that she didn't have a wallet, so she put the money in a little pencil case where she kept her coins. She immediately felt better--"I feel rich, and thank you for being a good friend", she said, and we were both a bit teary.

The reason for passing this on is not to laud any generosity on my part, but to demonstrate the power of "random acts of kindness". I went home and remembered a little wallet I had that I'd never used, and thought,"I'll give that to my friend". I opened it, and inside, found $100.

The universe is very just and if your heart is open the reward always comes.
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Readers Comments

Farradiva Buclatin wrote: When you put yourself to others, life begins to find its meaning, the time you touch the life of others is the moment you truly lived.
Lorrine Taylor wrote: Little acts of kindness bring great rewards although not always in kind. It's very important to keep the human factor alive and reach out to others and when we read stories like the one above it encourages us to do our part. God bless you!
Sherryl wrote: I have always lived with my faith in God and a saying, " If you share what you have, you'll always have something to share."
If you are sincere in helping others and do it without the least expectations The Lord KRISHNA HAS ASSURED THAT HE COMES TO HELP YOU WHO HAVE HELPED OTHERS.
deklan&tiarne&mikala wrote: always keep hope
courtney wrote: keep hope and faith close
bla wrote: every1 is speacil
Cherie wrote: Hi everyone. I like this group. It is interesting. I recently broke up with someone and it is the worst but the best gift was given to me. GOD showed me a peice of myself back that has dissappeared for years. I cried because I have not seen myself in a while. So my kindness had been burnt by others but it is slowly returning. I can not wait to purposely begin being kind again allowing myslef to be tender again!
Laksmi wrote: Dear all, It's really hard for us to always give the best we can do. But when there is a will, there will be a way! And God will always show the way! Thanks for sharing your experience!!!
mallika wrote: since in a big family and no relatives to share my mind , i had been in the habit if stitching old clothes and converting them into smaller pieces , by trimming and stitching and realised that they were of great use to a poor neighbour who came for help as he had admitted his twin kids in hospital as they were having decentry..when i helped him with my old clothes stiched he was in so much happiness that he said i now need not worry for diapers and can use these clothes and wash them as i have lots now...he was wondering why ever i stitched all these days......and now i know god plans ahead...he made me spend my time useful and not brooding but at the same time brought the neighbour to me to use the box full of old clothes

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