Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Laundry Mystery

--by anonymous, posted Jul 12, 2006
I was a first year college student in a Graphic Design course and I'd like to tell you an interesting story that happened to me a few months ago. You see, I live in a "seedy" (an abundance of illegal activity) apartment building whose residents are a large diversity of minorities, most of which I have never met, (I don't even know my neighbors name), and we all have to use the laundry room on the third floor. The dryers in the laundry room are old and usually require more than one cycle to fully dry even a small load of laundry.

One evening I found I had only one loonie left for the dryer (they only accepted $1 coins) and so opted to leave my wet clothes in the dryer all night knowing that my clothes would still be damp in the morning and that they were the only clothes that I could functionally wear to school that following morning. (the dryer's autocycle only lasts for an hour though).

When I woke up expecting to find uncomfortably damp clothes of mine in the laundry room I found quite a surprise. On top of the dryer were all my clothes, and they were perfectly DRY, and they were PERFECTLY FOLDED(in an organized manner). No one in that building would have known those clothes were mine, nor do I have the slightest suspicion as to who this kind stranger was. Thanks to this generous person I was able to go to school that day in tidy, warm clothing, (warm, being a necessity during a Canadian winter). To think that people like this exist, even in a seedy little apartment like mine, just proves to show that wherever you go, there are good people amongst us, even if they are exceedingly difficult to find.
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Readers Comments

Ren wrote: what a great encouragement to get to know some more people in your building, and maybe do some random acts of kindness of your own! :)
elissa wrote: i have no idea why this brought tears to my eyes! what a great story, thanks for sharing.........
elizabeth wrote: I Believe that every one has a soft part in his heart and especially those we least expect will always surprise us,or even surprise ourselves.We are all Gods Creation no matter how tinted, but our subconsious will always have a touch from Christ.Act of Kindness is the most loyal thing one can find satisfaction in.God bless all. Elizabeth Kenya.
ilovehammies wrote: Wow, this is awesome. I'm so inspired to do something similar for my apartment complex. Thanks for sharing. :)

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