Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Love Without Words

--by MakeSomeoneSmile, posted Oct 23, 2012

A few weeks ago I was blessed to spend four days with some of the kindest people I have ever seen. It was an amazing experience on so many levels and I am a kinder person for having my life touched by them all.

One of the great things I noticed with them was the power of some non-verbal techniques is sharing love and compassion. So much love was shared through warm hugs, deep gazes and attentive listening. It was a great reminder for me that those small kindnesses can be powerful and make a huge difference to others, many times more than anything I could say.

So now that I am back in the real world I have been trying harder to incorporate those non-verbal kindnesses in my life. I can see it making a difference wherever I try them out. I have been hugging a little more and can see that it means a lot to those embraced. When I am listening to someone, I am trying hard to pay exclusive attention to them so they can feel the love through my listening. When I am walking whether at work or out and about, I have been smiling or saying hello to anyone I make eye contact with now. I do see that it matters, even if only for a few moments, for each person I encounter.
Hopefully I will keep this up and not let it fade. It is not only spreading a few smiles to those I come in contact with but also sends me away smiling too. Here is a great big (((hug))) and smile :) for all of you too!
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Readers Comments

starryskies wrote: Aww, thanks! Right back at you! :)

Thanks for sharing this MSS, those non-verbal techniques can definitely be powerful ways of spreading love and kindness!! :)
princessliz wrote: Oh, the art of body language speaks multitudes! Welcome back to the real world, now its time to flex that kindness muscle! :) Thanks for your insight :)
denisemj wrote: Yes, this is what life is about. Thanks for sharing :)
smileswithhope wrote: Those little gestures are such a beautiful way to spread love in the world. Thank you for your nonverbal (and verbal) moments of kindness, and for inspiring me to do the same! :)
trueblue wrote: what you are doing will make a whole lot of people smile too.. i will think of this next time i am out walking..thanks for the reminder that it is better to give than receive

sonrisa wrote: Thanks for sharing, so true how these seemingly small acts of kindness that we can do everyday can make such a big difference!
heartwarmer wrote: So true! We did a ritual in our discussion group last week where we connected with someone in the room, gazed at each other intently, bowed to each other and then gave high fives! It was awesome!
Chris wrote: Thank you so much for sharing your story. I'm also a huger person and enjoy giving but released i'm often guilty of superficial listening so i found your story a welcome and timely reminder to be more aware and give that extra kindness of listening attentively.
sandra wrote: (((hug))) and smile :) back to you! That was an uplifting message, one which i also try to do and it does make a difference in both the lives touched and in the person who is showing this bit of kindness, which i think is actually a necessary courtesy. God will bless you.

Valerio wrote: Very nice. :-)))))

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