Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Hug For A Non-Huggy Person

--by whitby98, posted Nov 1, 2012

I have a co-worker whose husband is in hospital awaiting a heart transplant. 

He's been sick for a long time, and lately his situation has become more delicate. My co-worker has been trying to keep it all together - working full-time, taking care of her two teenagers, and driving three hours each way to visit her husband in the hospital.
One day she snapped at something I said, but I just let it go. She obviously felt bad about it and later e-mailed me to apologize. I told her it was okay, that I know she was dealing with a lot.
A couple of hours later I passed by her office and went in to make sure she was okay. I said, "I would like to give you a hug, if you want one."  
I didn't think she would because she's not a touchy-feely type of person. Surprisingly she said she would like that. That brief physical contact seemed to calm her down a bit and she thanked me. 
If nothing else, at least she knew someone cared.


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Readers Comments

Glowworm wrote: Aw, poor thing. I'm sure glad you gave her that hug. Sounds like she needed it.

Glad to see you around!
princessliz wrote: Beautiful :)
starryskies wrote: Aww, your story touched my heart. Thanks for rising above the situation and choosing to act with love. Hugs to you! :)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is so nice of you. Often times a hug is a great way to let someone know you care, as words can often go awry! :)
Mish wrote: Lovely. Good on you & many blessings!
Beth wrote: Leo buscaglia said,"too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. "
You are a perfect illustration of his point :)
heartwarmer wrote: Sometimes it's those who need hugs the most that are reluctant. Bless you for opening her heart to receive your hug!
heartwarmer wrote: Sometimes it's those who need hugs the most that are reluctant. Bless you for opening her heart to receive your hug!
denisemj wrote: What a lovely story, thanks for caring and giving her that free hug :)
Blessed2BKind wrote: Thanks for showing you care :)

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