Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Post-It Note Smiles

--by chandlerkirkman, posted Nov 5, 2012

One summer day, my best friend, Ronnie, and I were talking about how society puts a lot of pressure on girls to have the perfect body. There's a sense that women need to be all around perfect, without realizing that they already are perfect the way they are.

So, we decided to set out on a mission to our local library.

Upon arriving, we wrote, "Smile You're Beautiful," on 75 post-its and placed them on the inside page of every depression, anxiety and eating disorder book we could find.

That night, I went on Facebook and saw that a girl I knew made a status about her journey to the library and how she saw one of our post-its in an eating disorder book. She mentioned that she's been struggling with her eating disorder and seeing that post-it note made her day.

I told my friend, and it made us so happy to know that we had put a smile on at least one person's face. It made our entire day worth it.

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Readers Comments

unknown wrote: what a brilliant idea! Good on you and Ronnie both! You never know when a kind or encouraging word will make the difference for someone.
cf wrote: That's wonderful - the idea, and the feedback!
starryskies wrote: Great job! That's definitely a message we need to spread! :)
princessliz wrote: You guys are awesome for doing this, and what a creative idea! :) Thanks a mill!
Girls everywhere need to know that they're beautiful.
ziva wrote: Wonderful idea!! Great work and really good and kind thinking... Namaste. ziva
hiphopSL wrote: Thx for the inspiration!!!!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is awesome! There are so many little ways we can spread smiles. I love what you did! :)
Jessica wrote: This is amazing. Going to do the same. Thank you for sharing and thank you for the inspiration <3
heartwarmer wrote: Great idea! Thanks so much for sharing it.
janet l doyle wrote: I wish i could think of some really cool acts of kindness such as yours!

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