Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Mind's No Guide In Kindness

--by starryskies, posted Nov 8, 2012

I had two tickets to a local festival that I wanted to give away. I carried them in my purse, along with two Smile cards.   

I walked through a couple of parks near the festival, noticing groups heading towards it. I had a decision to make. Out of all of these people, who should I offer the tickets to?  
I had already attempted to give them away three times; twice to people I knew, once to strangers. They had all said, "No, thank you." So now I looked for someone else.  
I was having a hard time deciding. Two tickets, and so many people. All of them deserving, how could my brain choose?
I decided I couldn't choose with my mind. So, I would listen for guidance instead, trusting it would appear. I had no idea who they would be or when it would be, I just felt I should head in the direction of the festival. So, that's what I did.  
I kept walking, waiting. Some time later, I came across a couple with a young child. Something told me they were the ones. I asked if they were going to the festival and they said they were. I asked if they wanted free tickets. "Free?" The man was surprised. "Yep!" I replied.  I explained the Smile cards and the basic premise of RAKs (random acts of kindness.) They accepted and thanked me. I told them to have fun and they wished me well. I felt my heart open and fill with joy.
As I walked back to my car I passed a man on a bench. I had seen him earlier, reading a book. Now, he was adjusting his bag, looking as though he was about to set out. There was something about him that drew me to him. Something nudging me in his direction. I walked past, smiled, and said, "Hi!" 
Getting closer, I realized he was homeless and surrounded by various bags with his stuff inside. He was young. Around my age, probably. He had a nice smile and gentle energy.  
I remembered I had a protein drink in my purse, so I asked if he was thirsty. He accepted my offer, smiled, and said, "Thank you, very much!"  
I was touched by the kindness in his reply. I wished him a good day and went on my way. 
When I tried to approach my RAKs through my mind, I struggled. When I switched to listening to my heart it became effortless and natural. I am learning to trust that guidance!


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Readers Comments

princessliz wrote: " I was ready for my rak." That's the spirit! Thats the H.O way!
Loved how you went out into the field ☆SS☆ :)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: How wonderful you listened to your heart. I love that you set out for RAK! I think you found great ways to spread smiles and kindness. I admire your caring heart and am inspired by what you did! :)
denisemj wrote: So Glad you listened to your heart, and gave the tickets to someone that was appreciative of them. Plus you help ahomeless man, how beautiful. Keep spreading Kindness, and thanks for Sharing!

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