Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Some People Do Survive

--by dutchie, posted Nov 9, 2012

Inspired by this site, I let the woman behind me in the line at the check-out go first because she looked sick. She then told me she had been diagnosed with a brain tumor that very morning! 

We talked a bit. I told her to stay strong and that some people do survive a brain tumor. I didn't tell her my mom just past away from the same thing. Then I paid for her groceries. 
She teared up and gave me a big hug. Even the cashier and other people in the line had tears in their eyes. I felt it was the least I could do for her.


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Readers Comments

thaata wrote: You have her moral strength and a little courage to face her situation and showed love and kindness. Nice of you.
NewYork15Boy wrote: That's a huge present that was a lifesaver for days to come.
jsmc10 wrote: Thank you for being there for this woman at that time. That small act had a massive impact, bless you :)
Joy wrote: Thank you so much for sharing your kindness story. Many blessings to you.
sara wrote: Life is not easy, sometimes is horrible,deep in your heart,you will feel depressed,even hopeless,but an unecpected good deed just make life beautiful, like a rose ,like the sun.
denisemj wrote: How thoughtful of you! You will be remembered during her difficult days.
Pat wrote: Thanks for giving her a positive thought to focus on. Sorry for the loss of your mother.
dr.bbalnarayana wrote: Very inspiring measure it has made the woman happy
And intern also, after reading the
Story some of us equally feels to be happy for
The action thy have done so helping others is an
Act not only it leads to happiness but immense pleasure it gives
peanut wrote: God bless you, i am sure you made her day brighter, it was a very kind thing to do.
eve wrote: Miracles do still happen. You gave her hope and as a survivor of eight years of prp, i can't tell you how important hope is to someone who has reached the end of their rope. When you'r hanging by a thread, don't let go of that last thread of hope.

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