Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Some People Do Survive

--by dutchie, posted Nov 9, 2012

Inspired by this site, I let the woman behind me in the line at the check-out go first because she looked sick. She then told me she had been diagnosed with a brain tumor that very morning! 

We talked a bit. I told her to stay strong and that some people do survive a brain tumor. I didn't tell her my mom just past away from the same thing. Then I paid for her groceries. 
She teared up and gave me a big hug. Even the cashier and other people in the line had tears in their eyes. I felt it was the least I could do for her.


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Readers Comments

princessliz wrote: You're so strong for doing this. Thanks for giving her hope.
Sorry for the loss of your mom.
starryskies wrote: Thank you for showing her kindness, love, and support during such a difficult time! Your compassion is inspiring.

I'm so sorry for the loss of your mom. Your caring act is an honor to her memory.
divanurse wrote: I am sure you brightened her day and your Mom was smiling from heaven for your compassion.
Glowworm wrote: You are an inspiration. I can't even begin to imagine getting that kind of news, the poor dear. It was so good that you were there and did what you did.

I am very sorry for the loss of your mom. Like the others said, you honored her memory by what you did.
dutchie wrote: Thanks all!
Jacinda wrote: Thank you for showing kindness towards her and supporting her. "Be kind for everyone is fighting a hard battle". I'm so very sorry to hear about your Mum :( Yes, your Mum will be smiling down at you and will be very proud of you. Take care
rjpaddy wrote: I am so sorry that you have lost your mom, I still miss my MOM Deearest. However, you have treated her as your mom. God bless.
FairyBubbles wrote: That was so beautiful. I loved reading your story. I find you inspiring.
stephanie_pennin wrote: What a wonderful story! Thinking perhaps the Universe meant for you to be an angel for her. Yep, that happens!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: A very kind and lovely thing to do, nice going! :)

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