Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Reverse Birthday Gift

--by denisemj, posted Nov 10, 2012

Today I was blessed to turn forty-five years young. 

I enjoy reading all of the awesome ideas from this wonderful site about people giving on their birthday, so, I decided this would be my chance to experience the joy of giving on my special day.
My husband took me to the Olive Garden, and our waitress was very nice. We had a great dinner experience and then I tried a warm apple crostata that was scrumptious. Then the waitress, Carlini, brought our bill. 
When she came back to the table to get our credit card I knew it was my time to give. I sat the gift bag on the edge of the table and simply said, "In honor of my birthday, I want to bless you with a gift."
Ohh, the shock on her face! She said, "No, not for me! It’s your birthday!" Then she said, "Can I open it in front of you?" And I said that would be fine.
The first thing she noticed was the color of the gift bag which was purple. Purple is her favorite color and she actually had a purple tie on!
She opened the card and said, "It’s Christmas in July."  
As she was taking the gift out of the bag, she said she was excited. It’s wonderful to give to someone who is willing to receive! She opened the box and saw it was a purple mug that said, "Tip Top Server - Happy to be a beverage serving, order taking, rushed off my feet, tip collecting, server! Inside the cup was a Smile card and forty-five dollars, a dollar for each year of my life. 
After seeing the money she looked at my husband and said you do not have to leave a tip. He just ignored and left her the tip anyway.
Carlini was so grateful and thankful for what she had received. She said we made her year. I thanked her for receiving my gift so beautifully.
I am thankful to God for another year of life and the opportunity to see that every day is a great day to give.


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Readers Comments

thaata wrote: What a great way to celebrate your birthday. You gifted happiness to yourself. Very nice of you denisemj. Return gift is good idea to follow.
jsmc10 wrote: Wow, how amazing! Thank you for sharing :)
susan wrote: Wow. Tears and you're right i need to be a better receiver!
cyana wrote: Awesome. That's all.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is so cool! I love the story and the thought. What a great way to make a memorable birthday for you and a special day for her! ;)
Jeni wrote: Yesterday was my 63rd birthday and i gave away 28 small paintings that i had painted! Yea! It is good to make people feel good!
Georgia wrote: My 50th is coming up. I am going to start planning. Thanks for the inspiration.
smileswithhope wrote: Wow! What a beautiful ripple to put out on your birthday! Thank you for the inspiration!
Tina wrote: I love, love love what you did, that was such a blessing you passed forward and it made me tear up. Bless you!
heartwarmer wrote: Happy birthday denisemj! And how sweet of you to give your waitress such a nice gift! I'm sure it made her day, if not her week. Hope your year is filled with joy!

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