Readers Comments
starryskies wrote: Your story gave me goosebumps! Thanks for taking the time to listen to her and stay with her until she was safe with her family. You're an earth angel!! :)
moral12 wrote: Wow. Your story brought tears to my eyes. Bless you for taking the time to listen, and, taking the time to CARE about this lady; you really went out of your way to help. You are INDEED an angel here on earth.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What a great story! Taking the time to listen can often make a bigger difference than we ever know, as your story reminds us. Thanks for sharing! ;)
Willy wrote: So so amazing. You indeed exercised the kindness of jesus christ. Am indeed encouraged to listen more and to put somebody s' needs before mine. Keep it up.
amelianina1 wrote: I have great hope now because if people like you are alive and the god that i love is in heaven, then i feel safer than ever to grow older than i am! Thank you for sharing your extraordinary patience and kindness and love and understanding. To listen we have to be silent, too.
spacegirl2376 wrote: Lania, this is so beautiful. Thank you for taking time out of your day to, first, just listen to an old woman, and second, to make sure that she ended up back at home. Hugs! You are amazing.
KnitNana4 wrote: Oh, my, wasn't it wonderful that you were in the right place at the right time, had the day off, etc,. You don't think god or your guardian angel put you there, do you? How do i give you some karma bucks (i'm new here! )
louisa.summer wrote: I am really glad you were there for her.
flaviahelena wrote: That is trully amazing! Proof that we dont need superporwers to save the day! All the blessings for you
cabbage wrote: Wow! You are a kindness angel, and thank you for reminding us to listen to everyone.
What an amazing story. Big hugs to you :-)
What an amazing story. Big hugs to you :-)