Readers Comments
denisemj wrote: The senior was your Angel. So glad she took the time to remind you how precious your little girl was. Thanks for sharing :)
starryskies wrote: Great story! Children are such a blessing! :)
annjav wrote: My children used to pick up on my mood when i was tired and hurried, and that seemed to make them feel the same way. It's always a blessing when someone calm and peaceful can come along to change the dynamic a bit. I'm sure she was happy that her words helped you both. Thanks for sharing!
frog wrote: Your story reminds me of why it is that we are not meant to go through this life alone! We all have something to give that can be of comfort to another. Thank you for sharing.
jsmc10 wrote: It can be harder to see how lovely a child is when they are getting cranky, it was wonderful for this woman to point it out, thank you for sharing :)