Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Act of Kindness in Zimbabwe

--by Rita, posted Jul 17, 2006
I was in the bus in heavy traffic going to an orphanage to visit some children. What I saw brought tears to my eyes.

There had been a terrible accident. The owner of the motorbike laid bleeding, critically injured and dying on the side of the road. Members of a church nearby called an ambulance. They were having a women’s gathering day at the church.

While the man lay helpless and hurt, the women rushed to his side and around him sang beautiful hymns and prayers - some to save his body and some to save his soul. They sang like angels. The music was so sad and beautiful and the gesture was so touching at such sad and tragic moment. I shall not forget the kindness of those women being there in his hour of need.
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Readers Comments

Robert wrote: Its a touching story about soul winning. It reminds me about Good samaritan in the Bible. If i have your email address i can also share my experience.
Aiya wrote: That is so beautiful... showing love for people is the greatest of all kindnesses, and those women have definitely shown a lot for that poor man. May God bless them.
ellen wrote: The women not only shared their songs and hymns but in doing so shared their compassion. A beautiful, touching sign that people are intrinsically good

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