Readers Comments
denisemj wrote: A Hug is priceless! Thanks for taking the time to Care about the less fortunate people in the world.
princessliz wrote: A blessing to hear. That was so sweet of you.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What a wonderful way to let them know you care. That was very kind, bravo! :)
bubblehugfair wrote: Thank you! HUGS to you!
bubblehugfairy wrote: I apologize for the typos in the story.
Yes, bluesky, love through hugs is indeed priceless. Huuuuuug
Yes, bluesky, love through hugs is indeed priceless. Huuuuuug
Mobobacas wrote: Honestly, i used to think that "free hugs" thing was a pretensious thing and the only ones who wanted the hugs were actually the extroverted, joyful ones. That story shows how significant they can actually be to someone. Thank you for sharing and for your service. Be well!
bubblehugfairy wrote: Mobobacas,
Thank you for your comment. I can honestly tell you that my experience sharing free hugs (all over the world) has included
Countless hugs from people who are introverted, in pain, shy and not the hugging type. I shared another story of a severely autistic boy who leaped into my arms, staring me right in the eyes and laughing. I never expected that one. And yes, the hugs can truly be significant. Hug to you.
Thank you for your comment. I can honestly tell you that my experience sharing free hugs (all over the world) has included
Countless hugs from people who are introverted, in pain, shy and not the hugging type. I shared another story of a severely autistic boy who leaped into my arms, staring me right in the eyes and laughing. I never expected that one. And yes, the hugs can truly be significant. Hug to you.
twinkle wrote: Your story of hugging that lady has really touched my heart. You showed strength, courage and kindness and that is truly magical.
bubblehugfairy wrote: Thank you twinkle. What inspired me more was that she showed courage in being vulnerable in allowing the hug to happen. Her life is filled with people ignoring her; to allow a connection to happen, that was what was truly magical; to me. Huuuuug <3 grateful