Stories of Kindness from Around the World

"You would hug me?"

--by bubblehugfairy, posted Dec 11, 2012
I had just finished my monthly Free Hugs session in Union Square, NYC, and was walking back to Harlem where I lived. 
I save subway fare by walking as often as possible. Being a storyteller I don't have much money. 
That's when I saw a woman sitting on the pavement. The shopping cart to her was side piled high with her possessions. Her shoes were worn to nearly nothing. I got out my Free Hugs sign and approached her. 
I smiled gently and asked if she would like a hug. She looked at me with disbelief and asked, "You would hug me?" 
I opened my arms and walked closer to her. "If you want a hug," I sad. "Absolutely." She reached out for the hug and then told me she had not been touched in almost 20 years. 
I hugged her tighter. I apologized to her that I had no money to give her that day and she responded that the hug I'd just given was worth more than any amount of money. 
Next time you see someone who is homeless, smile at them, say, "Hello," and if it feels right to your heart offer a hug or even the touch of your hand on their arm.
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Readers Comments

4everchanging wrote: This brought tears to my eyes. Touch is such a vital component to life! Your hug stories are truly inspiring! I want to do this now. Thank you for your kind spirit in this world. <3
bubblehugfairy wrote: Thank you angel. Hugs to you! Perhaps you can offer hugs wherever you are. We need them, perhaps more than ever. (((angel)))
Angel wrote: Reminds me of a gentleman in little five points in atlanta who used to stand on the sidewalk and give free hugs. I miss that place.
bubblehugfairy wrote: Thaata: yes indeed, we all need and deserve to be touched and hugged to feel we belong. Sending you a big hug today.

Bubble hug fairy, kristin
thaata wrote: People love to be touched and hugged in order to feel belonging. Well done.
bubblehugfairy wrote: Deb,
Thank you for your kind comment! Sending you a big hug.

Bubble hug fairy, kristin
deb wrote: Your story of true human compassion and caring brought a tear to my eye today. Thank you so much! I have such gratitude for you, and for those who have hugged me today. {{{{hugs}}}}
bubblehugfairy wrote: Happy new year! Sending hugs near and far.

Bubble hug fairy,
Jo Ann wrote: Everyone can use a hug in today's times. God bless you!
cabbage wrote: Bless you! Hugs are the best gift---one size fits all :-)

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