Stories of Kindness from Around the World

World Kindness Day - Started It Off With Gratitude

--by MakeSomeoneSmile, posted Nov 13, 2012

Hello my kind friends!

Happy World Kindness Day! As today starts World Kindness Week I have dedicated myself to doing at least one kind act each day. Today I decided to focus on sharing my gratitude with many of the folks I appreciate.

So I spent most of the evening sending out notes around the world to people who have helped shape my kindness character. There are some groups behind the scenes here at HelpOthers that work so hard to spread smiles. I sent notes to them, as I do not even know all of the wonderful people out there but I know what they do matters to me! As I wrote each one I felt an enormous amount of gratitude and love for them. It made me feel great and I know will matter to them too.

Many individuals along the way (many of you included) have touched my life in ways you likely do not even know. I am kinder and more inspired thanks to many of you. Thank you all for being a part of this wonderful site and more importantly for spreading kindness in your own special way.

Happy World Kindness Day! :)


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Readers Comments

Linda wrote: Mss
Thank you for sharing your gratitude practice. I just wrote a gratitude article for my web site www. Loveisthenewcurrency. Com because i love sharing the message. I didn't even realize that it was national kindness day! Isn't it interesting how all of these things synchronistically tie in. Thanks for spreading your love, linda
Larry wrote: There is so much in the world that we could complain about. But why? God is in control.

I cannot change everyone but i can change me and i promise to find the best in everything and everyone. 24/7
Joy wrote: Thanks so much for sharing. What a great idea. Many blessings.
Jagdish wrote: Kindness is a language which deaf can hear and a blind can read.
Jagdish wrote: Kindness is a language which a deaf can hear and a blind can read.
Bluebell wrote: You are a sweetheart :-)
MonamiChan wrote: Wow... great!! i have so much to learn from all of you.. i'm new here!! this site is so good & soooooo inspriring!! thank you so much for sharing this..
God Bless.
starryskies wrote: Thanks, you too! You've been an inspiration to me. :)
Dotti wrote: Kindness is such an easy thing to do and to pass along, so enjoy your site. If more people would remember it takes so little to be kind to all think how much better this world would be today. Remember to try to do one act ofkindess each day and it soon will be automatic with you. Thank you too.
serveothers wrote: Great idea. I will do that too.

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