Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Buck

--by Anonymous, posted Apr 4, 2006
The other day, I don't know why, but I took a dollar bill out of my pocket, crumpled it, and dropped it on the ground. I didn't stick around to see who finds it. I just knew that "finding" a dollar bill is a lot more than getting one and someone would feel good and talk about "finding a dollar on the street" for the rest of that day. That made me feel good just thinking about it.
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Readers Comments

jsmc10 wrote: Such a great, simple idea :)
Jolene wrote: I've found a 5 dollar bill, on a day when I needed the money. So ever since then, I do that was well. If im short on money, its a few dollar bills. If im good on money, its a few five dollar bills or maybe even a few twentys. Someone out there will be pleased for that extra cash.
suz wrote: You are soooo right. I once found a 20 and it was the difference between eating that week or not. WOW thank you for the money. I just needed to thank someone
sue wrote: This is a very cool idea! I once found a $5 bill; and, you are was like a miracle from Heaven." Thanks!

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