Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Envelopes and Smiles

--by sethi, posted Dec 22, 2012

A couple of months ago, I made a promise with myself.

I had put some money in an envelope in my wallet and set an intention to give this envelope away to the first eligible person I came across.

Months passed by, and as I got busy with my daily life, I was unable to keep own promise. Whenever I opened my wallet and saw the envelope, I was reminded of my intention for it, and I would feel a little disappointed for having not acted upon it.

The voice within pulled me to do something.

Today, while walking to work on a busy street, I passed by a blind elderly lady with her hands outstretched on the sidewalk. Seeing her weathered face and sightless eyes, I stopped dead immediately. Waves of compassion washed over me, and I remembered the envelope of money that had been lying dormant in my wallet all these months.

I took out the money from the envelope and bent down to her level. Gently, I took her hand, pressed the dollar bills into her palms, and closed her fingers over them so that she could feel the money and understand my gesture.

When I got up, I slowly moved away. An emotion of completion came over me. I had kept my word to myself. The lady slightly nodded her head in acknowledgement.  I felt blessed and moved on.

Afterwards, I reflected on why I delayed such a heartwarming act. This small interaction was a huge step in facing and walking through my own fears around giving. What a blessing it is to complete these little gestures of generosity!

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Readers Comments

trueblue wrote: Hold your head up high and remember that what you have done has changed a life.. keep doing good. and good will come to you too. :)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is awesome Sethi. I love how you had it with you just waiting for the right moment. Bless you for finding a lovely moment to use it too! :)
Ruhaani wrote: Good job Sethi
swans10 wrote: Great job..keep up the good work...God bless you...:)
Resty wrote: I have just received an envelop from my brother bobs and it was interesting. I miss those ones from help others fun members.

From uganda,
Irah Mariey Sitchon wrote: God bless you always.
HayKay wrote: Grace and god's time is what the time we sometimes forget are all part of what god needs from us! God bless
claud9 wrote: Congrats! It's so funny how giving can be such an intimidating thing. Keep flexing that muscle and it will become natural! I work on it every day.
thaata wrote: It is like starting trouble. Once we experience the joy of giving, there is no stopping. The happiness shows on our face and inspires other too.

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