Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The "Junker" Samaritan

--by bojangles, posted Jan 4, 2013

My mom's car broke down on the highway after visiting my house. She was alone and this was before she had a cell phones. 
She was stuck and elderly and it was getting dark. 
Her car broke down close to an overpass. She decided to walk to a gas station and use the pay-phone to call for help. As she waited for a chance to cross the busy highway lots of cars sped by. And many of these cars were very nice automobiles. And many of the drivers were very clean-cut, well groomed people. They appeared to be the types of people one would be comfortable accepting assistance from. But, they did not offer assistance. They continued on their way. 
And then along came a "junker," a pretty beat up looking car with a pretty rough looking fellow behind the wheel. He was unshaven and disheveled, but he stopped and offered mom a ride to the station. He told her he wouldn't want his mom crossing the busy highway. She accepted his kind offer and he took her to the station without incident. 
Now, I'm not advocating taking rides from strangers. But it made me think ... We do tend to judge on appearances and they are quite often deceiving.  
Thanks to the rough-looking stranger who had a kind heart and helped my dear momma!

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Readers Comments

Randomact wrote: I never judge a book.............. We are all the same inside, Human Beings......
Its just some of us have a rough ride along the way and may need guidance and love.....
bojangles wrote: yes indeed,...every human being needs guidance and love....they are just as essential as the air we breath! have a great day!
heartofflesh wrote: what is inside that counts.wemust go by our inst
heartofflesh wrote: what is inside that counts.wemust go by our inst
heartofflesh wrote: sorry about that repeat
jsmc10 wrote: Yes, looks can be decieving, this was a good story, thanks for sharing :)
thaata wrote: Appearances are deceptive. Poor are rich by heart inspite of their poor appearance. Go by your heart and instinct in such situations.

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