Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Dusting Lady In My Hospital Room

--by Maureen Flanagan, posted Jul 20, 2006
When I was in hospital and just given birth to my first child a lady use to come in and dust and sweep. I would say 'Hello' and she would never answer.

I did this repeatedly and no answer. I thought she may have been deaf. I was told that she was mute and had been because she had been in a concentration camp. She had recovered but some children threw 'crackers' at her window letting off very loud 'bangs', and she never spoke from that day on.

On the day I was going home and I asked her if she would be my friend. No answer. I left her some magazines and told the staff to give them to her. I had left the hospital with my husband a new born child.

Then I realized I had forgotten to ask the doctor something. I went back with my baby and husband. They said the lady had indicated she wanted to see me. She hugged me so tightly and held me. She had tears in her eyes. The hospital was hushed in silence. Not a word passed her lips.

Two years later I heard a conversation on the radio which stopped me on my tracks! They were talking about the lady and the magazines and the events. Unknown to me, at the time that day, she spoke for the first time in all those years. They said the psychiatrist said it was the first time she trusted anyone and that broke her silence.

Just the fact that I heard that conversation on the radio, and my husband did too, I thought was amazing and how happy was I to think this lady spoke again.

'Embrace each day because it is a gift'.
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Readers Comments

S.Nazia Jahangir wrote: We can learn so many thing by reading such stories. Thanx for that .
Donna wrote: You truly inspire me for I am the same way. I don't meet many people like you. My boyfriend doesn't understand me and why I am like this It is my nature. But I feel like he is starting to rub off on me. Thanks for your story.
Donna wrote: You truly are an angel. I love to hear people going out of their way to be kind. It is so easy to stop trying but you had such a great spirit to see with different eyes. God Bless you.
It makes me feel like not giving up on others, for I am the same way
sonia wrote: This is another wonderful example of the ripple effect.When we throw that pebble (act of kindness)into the stream (people who we come across each day), we never know exactly what effect this will have, only that the energy in the stream definitely changes.Thank you for this story which again re-minds me to continue with the good intent in my actions.
maryann wrote: Thank you for sharing a beautiful and
inspiring story. Its amazing how kindness heals so much.
Vijay wrote: Oh dear

your story really
inspires and i am sure,
helps many me, to keep

All the best.

Take care of yourself and
of others!
writingmomma wrote: All I have to say is WOW!!!
wayfarer wrote: Do you realise, you are a gift from God?
MJ wrote: Amazing story...........
michelle wrote: Thank you for following your heart - changing a life - and sharing that with me

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