Stories of Kindness from Around the World

How I Spent $100 on Smiles

--by sandyponey, posted Jan 10, 2013

Thank you, HelpOthers, for the opportunity to share smiles with flowers! Several life glitches have slowed this down, but the kindness keeps going. Below are a couple stories of ways my family and I have gotten to tag others!

Act #1: Doorstep Smiles

This evening, we are going to leave potted flowers on a wonderful lady's stairs, with a smile card and ribbons. Though she seems lonely to me when I see her sometimes, she always shares a smile for others. So I thought it perfect to leave her some smiles in return.

Update: My ganddaughter, hubby, and I walked over this evening, and the timing was perfect. We reached over the gate that leads to her stairs and left the potted mum flowers on the steps, along with the stick, smile card and ribbons tied to it. Another pot below that stair, and the last below that.

I have to say, this was so cool. Doing random acts of kindness, knowing that someone's gonna have a smile when they find it, is the greatest feeling!

I thought of how many people are in need, and had to do more than just flowers, but still add flowers to this part of my Smile mission.

Act #2: Flowers and Food

I bought a lot of food items, and literally filled reusable bag to the point that it was overflowing. I attached a smile card to the handle with a "Thank-you-for-all-you-do-to-help-so-many" note, and added a sprig of silk flowers. I will take this to our local food bank called the Help House tomorrow, so that many people will share a smile with the food help they will receive, in their time of need.

Update: I went to the Help House carrying the bag of food with the flowers on top and a smile card attached. The food was delivered to the very appreciative ladies who were working that day. It was particularly meaningful for me, because, years ago, the Help House helped my family and me when we were a bit desperate. It is such a treasure to know that they are there. And an enormous gift to share smiles with the volunteers there today!

The feeling of giving is a beautiful thing. I am looking forward to the next stage of flower giving. There are still so many more possibilites, and nearly half the money left to carry them out! I bought many packages of flower stickers, packages of flower seeds for next season, and want to get some stem flowers and hand those out with smile cards in the very near future. 

I'm loving that this giving of Smiles and flowers is ongoing, and not just over in a day. :-)

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Readers Comments

Glowworm wrote: How wonderful! Way to beautify someone's life :)

Hope your knee heals fast. Take good care of it!
sandyponey wrote: Updated the giving process 9/15. Smiles to you all for your day. And a Big Hug too. ~ Sandy
heartwarmer wrote: What a great idea! Hope you don't mind if I use it for an elderly woman down the street who could use some cheering up.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: I love reading stories of the $100 contest adventures! Bless you for what you are doing in spreading kindness. :)
jsmc10 wrote: This is so wonderful :) thanks for sharing :)
SmileADay wrote: Nice! Your efforts are simple and yet so meaningful, they're a good reminder that sharing and smiles can be part of every day!
Brenda wrote: How can i get smile cards?
thaata wrote: Nice feeling to know angels are wandering around us.
bilkis wrote: What a wonderful way to bring happiness to others
cinnamonhead wrote: I love doing things on the sneak and the feeling is as if i have received something instead of giving. Nice story thanks for sharing.

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