Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Chain of Kind Events, Started By a 3rd Grader

--by Wanda, posted Jul 21, 2008

Lucia is 8 years old and in November '05 she wrote a contract for the whole family to sign. "We will all agree to getting a puppy dog on April 15 2006."

She had been asking for a puppy for about a year already!  It was inevitable now! We signed, the five of us, but did inform her that she needed to start saving money to be able to buy the puppy and so she did. At least once a week she would sit down to count, penny at a time, how much she had collected. In change she raised about US$80 dollars.

April came, we had a few adorable options in mind but on the first week of the month, we received a communication letter from her school about a girl needing multiple organ transplant and this letter made Lucia change her mind. She informed us she was taking her money in to help raise money for the girl. And so did her entire classroom.

It escalated to the three 3rd grade classes doing a "competition" to see who would get the most money. The person who initiated this, a school teacher, promised the winner a pizza party. My daughter's classroom got second place, in between the three classrooms they where able to raise more than US$2,000 dollars, and I volunteered to bring the kids a well deserved pizza party with additional treats and a card to all of them praising them for what they had done!

Lucia got her dog on April 14, Marshmallow is a cute and smart westie that reminds us about the chain of kind events that led us to be part of a bigger plan!

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Readers Comments

Lindie wrote: Aw! That's is so good of her! I'm glad she has such a giving heart! I remember waiting for my lady jane...practically ages! And the saving up and all that...she must be something special! :)
speedi wrote: What a wonderful, thoughtful daugther you have..Thank you for sharing her with us
bilkis wrote: What a wonderful way to teach young children to help others in need, i also salute the teacher who motivated the class
ROBERTA wrote: What a sweet, kind child. We ahave to teach our children to do these kind things.
josietn wrote: What a wonderful child you are raising! May you receive many blessings!
dhivyashana wrote: Awesome :)
Thanks for sharing :)
Sandra wrote: Your child has a heart of gold; she certainly wasn't selfish when someone else was in need - by putting her 'want' of a dog behind the 'need' of another student, she was both blessed and a blessing. It says a lot of her family also - you are raising a caring child.

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