Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Driveway Turns Into A Beach

--by Tom Gerdy, posted Feb 14, 2008
A dear friend was only weeks away from death from cancer. She said she was sorry she wouldn't be able to see the ocean again and get her toes in the sand. We live in Central Virginia and she was unable to travel so the trip to the coast wasn't going to happen. Some of us decided the solution was pretty simple. We would surprise her and bring the beach to her.

The beach included three tons of beautiful white sand dumped in her driveway, two cabanas, beach balls, pails, shovels, beach chairs, a variety of decorations and a fire pit for the bonfire on the beach at night. Of course we had s'mores on the beach. We also rented a sno-cone machine since it had gotten to the point where flavored ice was about all she was able to eat. We had two CDs playing in the background. One had to sound of waves breaking on the beach and the other Beach Boys or Jimmy Buffett.

I will forever be blessed with the memory of her smile when she came out the door with her new fancy flip-flops and a beach bag (to carry her morphine drip). Those are the moments that make a life.

The post script is that she died two weeks later, but made it to her beach four or five more days before she left us.
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Readers Comments

Rajni wrote: Rajni: making someone's last days on planet earth is greatly appreciated. Leaving the earth happily rather than painfully is we all desire for. You all did a wonderful job. May others get inspired.
Rosh1227 wrote: So beautiful. Sorry for your loss, but am glad you have these special memories to always cherish.
Will Green wrote: That is my aunt always loving the beach. She will forever be missed.
jeri wrote: This is one of the most beautiful kindnesses I have ever read. Thank you for sharing. Bless You. Jeri
Carolyn S Harrison wrote: This man is my boss, I am very lucky, I am a cancer survivor, and know that if I ever have to travel that road again, he will be a great support and a great friend to help me keep my spirits high. He is one of the most caring and giving men I know!
Barry wrote: I am exceedingly touched by this story. I can just imagine the woman going outside and seeing the sand and feeling she was at the ocean. You've made somebody's else dream come true. My heart has been touched. Thank you for sharing such an inspirational gift of giving.
perseverance wrote: I was deeply touched by this Thanks
Woelwaters wrote: I'm pretty sure the angels smiled lots. What a wonderful way to spoil her!
yoursunshine wrote: reading this has brought me to tears as i lost my granddad to cancer and i can remember all the kind things people did for him i am glad that she loved her gift
Kayla wrote: I think the many people that did this for someone they love is fantastic.I couldn`t think of any other way to show your dear love to someone so special in your life.May she be blessed in memory of her life. I would always want a such thing as this when i die.Thanks to all the people who did this for a special person may my wishes be with you all, amen.

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