Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Best Meal I Never Had

--by auntttee, posted Jan 17, 2013

As I was leaving the health club the other day, I overheard some older women talking about going to a nearby restaurant for lunch with some friends.

I happened to have a $25 gift card to that restaurant, and had been holding on to it for a long time.  It just happened that I had the gift card in my car, so I ran over, picked it up, and ran back over to the women in their car.

After I assured them I wasn't carj-acking them, they rolled down the window.

I handed them the card, and told them to enjoy their lunch on me! It was the best meal I never had! 

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Readers Comments

iman wrote: nice dear":))
Joy wrote: What a great spontaneous act of kindness. Thanks for sharing. Many blessings.
Peacehunter wrote: Pure light you are :)
Smile wrote: It is kind of you to give the strange people the gift card. If i were them , i would be very happy and want to make friend with you. Good luck for you!
same wrote: Amazing thing you did.
kidzfirst wrote: What a wonderful act of kindness and so generous of you. I bet they were completely surprised and amazed that a total stranger would do this for them!
minatalon wrote: That's wonderful. :)
suzyque5 wrote: That is awsome! Something they will probably for sure never forget. Good for you and god bless.
GuessWhat wrote: Lovely!
Thaata wrote: It was very nice of you to give them the gift card which you preserved for so long and enjoyed more than you would have enjoyed that lunch. Great.

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