Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Pay-It-Forward Is My Life!

--by Migdalia Baerga-Buffler, posted Apr 6, 2006
It was refreshing to run into your website. I'm ALWAYS doing "acts of kindness" to make a difference in the lives of others -- I think it's my LIFE's Calling and Passion to be quite honest. I should invest in cardshop stocks as I spend LOTS of money buying cards for others. So this is a GREAT idea and I would love to Pay Forward. What do I need to do? You name it! That too is my motto -- Pay it Forward because in life --I believe, you "reap what you sow."
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Readers Comments

Tonia wrote: Pay-It-Forward is so wonderful, I only wish everyone knew about the story from which it came to be! You sound like the pay-it-forward fairy Godmother!
Margie Pesante wrote: Regarding Migdalia Baerga-Buffler/ See reader's comments dated April 6, 2006. Unfortunately, the world lost Migdalia Baerga-Buffler on August 22, 2007. As one of her closest friends, I can attest to the fact that she not only meant the words that she posted, she did infact live her life by paying it forward. Migdalia, was a kind, loving, caring, gifted human person, who truly cared for thy neighbor. She gave of her self in any way she could, feeding the homeless, clothing drives, buying food for families with limited resources, etc., etc. She was and always will be my true hero! Miggie touched countless drives and it was an honor to share my life with her. I love you wysiwyg/ Miggie--until we meet again. I will never forget you.......
Neil Buffler wrote: As your nephew. i fully owe you everything i am or will become you have always believed in me losing you was like losing a mother a mentor and a wonderful aunt you helped put me back on track with your "tough love" and for this Titi i will never forget you ever or the many ways that you helped people. I love YOU Titi Miggie
Deborah Greenspan wrote: I have been searching for migdalia for a number of years. She was in my fifth grade class at school # 11 in paterson. I remember her as being a bright student, and for some reason she is only one of a few students that made an impression on me and i have remembered her after all these years! The world has lost a remarkable young woman. I am so sorry for her loss, but, i will always remember her vitality for life and her drive for excellence! Migdalia baerga buffler, i wish that i could have met the woman you had become! It is to her credit that she was able to make a difference in the world.
Tiina Bouyer wrote: How does someone you never even met leave an imprint on your life? It was today, july 15, 2010, almost three years later to a tragic loss, that a coworker and mentor of mine told me the stories of her good friend, migdalia baerga-buffler, ak. a . Miggie. Not only did she sing of her praises, but she then led me to her obituary which was filled with beautiful remarks of the phenomenal woman she was. Thank you ms. Miggie! Thank you for being obedient to god and doing his work, so that other's lives could be better. Thank you for giving unselfishly in all that you did. Thank you for letting your light shine. And thank you for showing me, someone you never even knew, how important it is to be helpers of one another. I'm sure the crown of jewels god has given you for your good works is absolutely stunning!
Elizabeth Navarro wrote: I miss miggie so much. I think of her often. It is comforting to hear that others remember her goodness, her kindness, and gentility. I know deep down in my heart, she made her peace with god. You are always in our heart miggie.
Elizabeth Navarro wrote: I miss miggie so much. I think of her often. It is comforting to hear that others remember her goodness, her kindness, and gentility. I know deep down in my heart, she made her peace with god. You are always in our heart miggie.
joyce tulloch wrote: Wish we had more time together,miggie. r . i . p .
jsmc10 wrote: :( i'm so sorry to hear you have passed away
charlene evans wrote: Sometimes i feel lost withoout my guaruian angel by my side. You were my sister, mentor, coworker and a true friend. I walk by your office wanting to hear your voice and i think of the crazy times at work and outside of the job. I know you would not want me feeling sad but just know you are not forgotten and truly missed. Love you big sis

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