Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Posting Smiles!

--by RG, posted Apr 7, 2006
About 10 minutes back, I was in the post office to mail a bunch of smile cards around the world. This time, I put all the envelopes on the table and looked up to see the same agent who helped me last time. She rememberd well having to weigh dozens of envelops going to different countries, punch in the codes, print out the stamps, stick them on the cards and bill me.

"You!", she said apprehensively. Just in time, the agent next to her remembered me from last time and snickered teasingly at what is ahead for my agent. Half way through, my agent asks me what is in the envelop (last time I told her "something like a business card to spread smiles").

This time I decided to tag her. I had a smile card in my wallet. And thought about what to tag her with. I was looking here and there and happened to look into the brown paper bag in which I carried all the envelopes. Voila! I found a plastic bag full of cut oranges that someone had slipped in the bag last night when I was stuffing the envelopes. I propmtly took it out, gave it to her and then gave her the smile card. It took a couple of minutes for her to get it. She said, "Thank you" and carried on with the rest of the envelopes.

After I signed the receipt, she gave me my copy and said, "See you soon!" with a big smile.

I walked out with a bigger smile on my face. Felt like I tagged myself :)
2530 Reads

Readers Comments

lp wrote: nice one! RG :)
nicky wrote: lol thats all it takes
suz wrote: small things make big impacts eh?
Brendan wrote: Nice feeling huh? She probably thought about that all day!
jsmc10 wrote: Great :)

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