Stories of Kindness from Around the World

It Only Takes A Minute

--by Mish, posted Feb 5, 2013

My neighbor of thirty years is stressed out waiting for the results of a biopsy.

I put a wonderful CD of soothing music on her doorstep, along with a note inviting her to visit. When she did visit we looked at photos, I gave her a massage and we had a lot of laughs together! We both enjoyed the time and she seemed much less stressed. It was a small investment of time and effort for some wonderful results.
Thanks to the messages on this web-site I appreciate small acts of kindness more. I feel better about myself as well, realizing that my daily small acts of kindness actually matter.
Blessings to all!




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Readers Comments

Dennis826 wrote: Good job for doing this. You`ve inspired me to do the same for someone who is in need.
Ammi wrote: Good job. Wish more people did this.
Janet wrote: I was concerned that there is so little i can do to make this a better world. Now i see that the small acts of kindness: a phone call, a card, an invitation to do something together. These really matter. Thank you for sharing. May you experience the blessing you are!
Joy wrote: Each act of kindness does matter. It was so thoughtful of you. Many blessings.
Peacehunter wrote: Aww bless mish. Xo you are light!
Mish wrote: Linda, thank you for sharing the wonderful starfish story here. Appreciate your comment.
Mish wrote: Our prayers are with you and your husband. Having that love & support from your neighbors is so lovingly wonderful. Be strong my friend & know that much prayer surrounds you.
mm wrote: I am in the same situation my husband is in the hospital very sick awaiting the final diagnosis - and to tell you what a difference these kinds of things make - my neighbors came through all through the past weekend's blizzard, shoveling , sending soup, walking my dog - things so badly needed - but my husband and i could not do - everyone has been offering prayer support and right now we truly are grateful and feel less alone
Linda wrote: What a special gift for your neighbour. Well done. Your act of kindness reminds me of the starfish story, sorry i cannot remember who wrote it. The story is about a little boy who is seen throwing starfish found on the beach back into the ocean, and a gentleman stops and asks him what he is doing! The man tells the little boy that he cannot make a difference to all the dying starfish, the little boy looks up, throws another and says " i just made a difference to that one. ! "
Every day we are given opportunities to help make a difference to the lives of others. Thank you for what you did, may god bless you, thanks linda
cabbage wrote: That is so awesome that you did that for your neighbor---what a difference a small kindness makes. Thank you for the reminder. Big hugs to you both.

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