Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Frustration Pinata

--by kerryglass, posted Mar 7, 2013

Someone I know was going through a tough time and feeling pretty depressed.

I knew I couldn't fix her problems, but I wanted to send her something that might bring a little brightness to her day. So, I decided to get a little creative.
I bought a pinata and filled it with chocolates and little pieces of paper with jokes and uplifting messages on them. I mailed it to her anonymously, including a little note saying that this was for her and not her children.
The note also instructed her that to hang it in her living room and wait for a day when she felt especially sad or angry. Then she was to grab a broom or a wooden spoon and whack it until all the little treats fell out.
I thought it was something a little different from your ordinary box of chocolates.




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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What a SWEET thing for you to do! :)
I love that you wanted to do something out of the ordinary for her. Mission accomplished! :)
Bluebell wrote: Very creative, well done :-)
Love and Light and Endless Blessings, Bluebell
FairyBubbles wrote: Wow, what a fabulous idea - all the fun of giving something a right good whack and then all the treats too! Mmmm - I think I might follow in your footsteps.
jsmc10 wrote: This certainly was creative, i love it :) you're such an amazing friend, im sure this cheered her up so much :)
peaches wrote: Lovely creative idea! More of us need a pinata available for a whack and sweet surprise. Thank you!
Michelle wrote: Lovely!
thaata wrote: What a lovely idea. Get the unwanted out of your system and get rewards for it. Wow! Very nice of you sharing this experience.
Tina wrote: I love your idea and i bet it made your friend feel better too.
same wrote: Your efforts are commendable. Love what you did. Keep smiling :-)
Carol wrote: Wow this is a beautiful idea! I know your friend truly appreciated that. Hope you don't mind if i borrow your idea!

Thank you for sharing!

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