Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Cuddly Bears And Beenies

--by Twinkle, posted Mar 10, 2013

Today, when I was out in town, I went into the pound shop. Everything they sell costs £1.  

I found two really cute, cuddly teddy bears and some pink beenie hats. Now I'm going to send them off to children in Soweto who have been orphaned because of AIDS. 
Apparently, it gets really cold in Soweto in the winter.
The little ones need lots of warm clothes and some toys.


3726 Reads

Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: I think your thoughtfulness and the way you support children in need is wonderful! Keep up the great work my kind friend!
Bluebell wrote: You are a sweetheart :-)
jsmc10 wrote: aww, this was a great idea, thank you for sharing :)
Mithr wrote: Thats so sweet of you :)

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