Readers Comments
ThisWilPass wrote: Wow, Thats so nice of you and your boss.. Thank you very much for this.. Bless you
Take Care :)
Take Care :)
jsmc10 wrote: I work in childcare myself, this struck such a chord with me, could you please give me their email address so I can ask them how I can go about starting something like this up myself, thanks so much for sharing :)
deactivated wrote: my friend u r rocking greaatttt,hip hip hurray.
Bluebell wrote: They could not have put that project in better hands, you are going to rock that place :-) Really happy for you, I could "see" you smiling when you were writing this post. Love and Light and Endless Blessings for you and for everyone at your work place.
FairyBubbles wrote: Your story has really touched my heart. It is so lovely that your boss is going to help those children and even better that you have control. Lots of love to you and your boss.
CanadianDad wrote: What a great story! Sounds like you've got a pretty rad boss too!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: How wonderful! :)
AURELIA wrote: So nice. Many children will spend so many hours there and it's great that it'll be clean and new....and especially nice that they will have a fun place to play :0) ~AURELIA
denisemj wrote: That is truly Amazing!
heartofflesh wrote: Thank you for caring and sharing had been an angel to those children.......