Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Heartfelt Way to End the Year

--by MakeSomeoneSmile, posted Mar 22, 2013

There is a family in our neighborhood that moved here from Sri Lanka. Their daughter goes to the same school as my children so we see her at the bus stop often. They have had a tough time since they came to America. They had some medical bills last week that made Christmas gifts not possible.

I told my wife that we needed to help her. We got the family a gift card and two toys for each of her two children. When my wife called her mom and told her what we were going to do, she wanted to help too. She bought a few gifts for each child as well.

We took over the gifts, some cookies and wrapping paper for the gifts. The woman was so happy and excited that the kids would have some things to open for Christmas. We couldn't be happier ourselves that we had spread a few smiles.

Some friends and I are doing 10 kind acts for the last 10 days of the year starting today. I thought this was a great way to start it off! It was six years ago today that I joined HelpOthers. It has changed my life in the BEST way, causing me to do more things like this than I ever have! Day one down, nine to go! :)


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Readers Comments

Bluxess wrote: I am sure you had an awesome way to invite 2013. Thank you for expanding home beyond ... Didn't you :-) Your home incl. India too :-)
FairyBubbles wrote: Makesomeonesmile, you are truly awesome. I love your story and that you helped your neighbours. Sending lots of love.
jsmc10 wrote: wow, how fantastic, HO has changed my life also :)
denisemj wrote: Now! That's the Christmas Spirit! So Thoughtful of you. Happy Anniversary on six yrs. of being a part of the best website around. Thanks for Caring & Sharing :)
moral12 wrote: It surely is fun playing Santa Claus, too! You rock!
AURELIA wrote: You are such an inspiration to me! Thank you for caring and spreading Christmas Love to others.
:) I'm Smiling from ear to ear because of this story ~Aurelia
princessliz wrote: WOW 6 YEARS! Amazing! You define kindness in every way imaginable! I love your presence here!
Thanks for ALL that you do MSS! You're a great influence :)
Alix wrote: What a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing!
cinnamonhead wrote: Very nice, thank you for sharing.

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