Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Hobbling Homeless Man

--by lindamae212, posted Mar 22, 2013

I was shopping in town when I saw a man aged about 30 hobbling down the road. He didn't have any possessions with him but I guessed he was homeless and that he seemed to have pain in his leg. 

I watched him for a few minutes but was unable to help that day.
All that evening I thought about him and wondered about his life and his story. Going to bed I decided that if our paths crossed again I would help him.
I saw him the very next day! He stopped and asked a young woman in front of me for some cash. She looked surprised and not very happy to be stopped. She gave him a few coins.
I carried on walking behind and saw him drop the money into a charity box.
I quickly went to the cash machine to get some money whilst trying to watch where he went.
With cash in my pocket I followed him at a distance. He was still walking as if in pain.

I heard him ask a lady for money, saying he had ulcers in his leg and he wanted to get some treatment for them. She couldn't help but at least spoke to him about his problem.
I walked up to him after that, put the folded money in his hand so he wouldn't feel uncomfortable, and held his hand for a second or two. I didn't say anything, we just locked eyes and he said, "God bless you!"
I wish I had hung around and spoke to him. But i did see him about 10 minutes later buying some food. I can not tell you how good it felt to have helped.
May he find his way. I hope he smiled a lot that day. I know I did. 


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Readers Comments

Joy wrote: What a generous act of kindness on your part. Many blessings to you. Thanks so much for sharing.
Navymom wrote: I think what you did was wonderful. If everyone would just help someone each day we would live a better world.
Wolfskin2000 wrote: Thank you for sharing this story. I am amazed to read about the kindness in this story; both by the homeless man (donating money to a charity in his current condition! ) and your kindness. Thank you :)
aljay wrote: Nice that is how the circle of life and smiles are completed.

bobc wrote: When we help others we give ourself a gift
DeniseM wrote: This is a wonderful inspiration!
Diane wrote: You are a kind soul. Thank you.
twinkle wrote: When i read stories like this they really make tears start in my eyes just to know that there are such lovely people in the world as you.
nora wingate wrote: Love its the best nora
digitalmind wrote: Well done! Happy to hear he used it for food too. You make the earth a better place, keep it up!

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