Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Suckered? I Don't Think So!

--by aredtailhawk1, posted Mar 28, 2013

One morning a week I volunteer as cashier at a Habitat for Humanity Restore. 

Last week a young mother with a toddler was excited and happy about a light fixture she was buying. She rummaged through her bag for a while before announcing she had left her wallet at home. 
I suggested she pop on home real quick and come back but she said she lived a distance away. 
My heart responded to her disappointment and I took out my wallet and paid for her items. She was so surprised that anyone would offer to do that and took my name and address. 
My husband thought I'd been suckered but two days later, after I received a check from the woman, it was his turn to be surprised by the goodness in the world!


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Readers Comments

BlueSky wrote: Giving with good intentions and a open heart is all that matters. What the other person does with your generosity is up to them. I am glad your kindness was honored gracefully.
ThisWilPass wrote: Wow so nice of you to have faith in her.. Bless You
Take Care
FairyBubbles wrote: How wonderfully kind of you - I am so glad your husband was happily surprised.
Mish wrote: Nice story. Kind you too.
princessliz wrote: :) This is so good to hear! Thanks for helping her on the spot, after seeing how much it would mean for them both :)
jsmc10 wrote: oh wow, thank you for being there for this woman, and also for sharing this :)
cinnamonhead wrote: with all the bad in the world it's hard to remember that there is still a lot of good out there too. glad it worked out for both of you!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Thanks for being kind and helping her out. How nice she surprised you back! :)
AURELIA wrote: What a nice story. You helped out because you knew you were making a difference. It's so good to hear that she followed through and repaid you. :0) You would have been happy either way, I know a fellow 'giver' if ever I saw one, it's you. :0) ~Aurelia
lindamae212 wrote: Lovely Story and it proves there are still good honest people in this world.

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