Readers Comments
BlueSky wrote: Giving with good intentions and a open heart is all that matters. What the other person does with your generosity is up to them. I am glad your kindness was honored gracefully.
ThisWilPass wrote: Wow so nice of you to have faith in her.. Bless You
Take Care
Take Care
FairyBubbles wrote: How wonderfully kind of you - I am so glad your husband was happily surprised.
Mish wrote: Nice story. Kind you too.
princessliz wrote: :) This is so good to hear! Thanks for helping her on the spot, after seeing how much it would mean for them both :)
jsmc10 wrote: oh wow, thank you for being there for this woman, and also for sharing this :)
cinnamonhead wrote: with all the bad in the world it's hard to remember that there is still a lot of good out there too. glad it worked out for both of you!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Thanks for being kind and helping her out. How nice she surprised you back! :)
AURELIA wrote: What a nice story. You helped out because you knew you were making a difference. It's so good to hear that she followed through and repaid you. :0) You would have been happy either way, I know a fellow 'giver' if ever I saw one, it's you. :0) ~Aurelia
lindamae212 wrote: Lovely Story and it proves there are still good honest people in this world.