Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Thank You, Service Staff

--by BoatBob, posted Apr 3, 2013

I travel a lot and come into contact with lots of hard-working service workers in hotels, restaurants, airports, etc. Many of these people are ignored or even insulted by travelers, which I hate to see.

For example, watch the abuse taken by the staff at an airport when a bad storm or mechanical problems cause flight cancelations! When I get to the front of the line I always tell the agent that they are doing a great job under tough conditions. If one of the people before me was unusually harsh I even apologize for the treatment they received.  
It is amazing how it lightens the atmosphere and those behind me in line also seem to lighten up.
Another group that takes a lot of verbal abuse are restaurant staff. When I see a waiter that is doing a good job and appears to have more tables than usual, maybe due to a no-show amongst the staff, I always tell them I was impressed by how good a job they were doing under tough circumstances.
Just the smile you get from them in return is worth the small effort to show your understanding and admiration for their extra effort, and you know that they will feel better because someone noticed that their efforts.


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Readers Comments

josietn wrote: Wonderful perspective! :) thank you for sharing this. :)
AURELIA wrote: Thank you for noticing and caring. You made them feel good and that's really nice. :0) ~Aurelia
annjav wrote: I agree with you completely. Good job!
princessliz wrote: There are no little people in the world! We ALL need each other.
Thanks for reminding them that they are important.
Blessings to your heart :)
FairyBubbles wrote: BoatBob, you have a really lovely heart. It is so kind of you to take the trouble to easy the pressure on rushed staff.
jsmc10 wrote: wow, thank you so much for doing this, I agree with you, they must have duh a hard time during these situations, thanks for sharing :)
moral12 wrote: You are amazing; thanks for remembering "the little people", as my grandmother used to say. Everyone deserves kindness.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: I agree

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