Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Laundry Detergent Smiles

--by denisemj, posted Apr 7, 2013

I requested a pack of Smile Cards and received them rather quickly. As I looked through the smile deck, I was pleasantly surprised at how many nice things we can do for our world. 

To start off my tagging experience, I randomly chose a card from the deck. It said: "Give an eco-friendly gift to at least one neighbor."
I thought, What are my options?
After researching at a local store, I decided to gift a bottle of eco-friendly laundry detergent along with a recycled card, which I just happened to have on hand. The front of the card read, "Thinking of you." And on the inside it said, "Sending a little sunshine your way."
I included a smile card and placed the gift in a bag outside my neighbor's door. Then I went out and about my day.
After arriving home, I noticed that the bag was gone. :) Then I went out again, and as I arrived home for the second time, my neighbor was on her way out. She greeted me with a huge smile! :)
She had an infectiously joyful spirit about her, and it was so wonderful to listen to her share her experience of being tagged.
I look forward to utilizing more of these awesome smile card ideas. A big thank you to the creators of these cards, and all who play a part in spreading them around! :)


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Readers Comments

FairyBubbles wrote: That was just fabulous - (((HUG)))
lcmiddlesworth wrote: what a wonderful gesture!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Awesome! The Smile Deck offers wonderful ideas and even a few ways to push your kindness comfort zone. Have a great time with it! :)
Bluxess wrote: You bet mate. There are a lot of ways one can make our planet a beautiful place to live ... Her smile must have lit your day :-)
slinkycat wrote: I love that! She will smile and spread the love :)
princessliz wrote: Awesome! :) Nice eco idea too!
jsmc10 wrote: How lovely :)thanks for sharing :)
Mish wrote: Super good use of a Smile Card! Enjoy using them. Fun & kindness!!!!! :)

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