Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Aaron The Door Opener

--by suzyque5, posted Sep 22, 2013
We were visiting my sister in Alabama and decided to go out for dinner to a restaurant she liked.  
My son Aaron was 8 years old at the time. He had finished eating his dinner and asked if he could walk around and stretch his legs. I saw no harm in it and said yes.
The next thing I knew he was standing at the door opening it up for every person coming and going out of the restaurant. The waiter's door was also by the entrance so he was multi-tasking by opening the door for the waiters coming and going in and out of the kitchen with their food trays.  
All I could do was smile. I was so proud of him that he took the initiative to do something kind for others without even being told.
When we left so many of the customers and waiters told me what a kind gentleman I had and how sweet he was. I just smiled and thanked them. When we got out to the car Aaron asked why people had given him money and pulled $9 one dollar bills out of his pocket. I just smiled and said they appreciated his kindness.  
He used the money to buy himself an ice cream and put $3 of it in the church collection basket that Sunday.
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Readers Comments

JuneBug wrote: I love your story !! What an amazing boy! He learned from you !:)
FairyBubbles wrote: He is just so sweet - love him to bits!
Mish wrote: Great story!!!!!!! Really sweet too. Hugs :)
denisemj wrote: What a Wonderful story! You have a special son :)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is awesome! Lessons of kindness like that with kids stick and make a difference! :)
jsmc10 wrote: Oh bless, your son is so sweet! :)
all69anna wrote: Thank you so much for being a wonderful example for your son - I'm sure he's seen you being kind and considerate many times!
princessliz wrote: Aww, wow! What a fine young man he is growing up to be :)
Thanks for being a good example to him!
Vishu wrote: just i want to say that love you Aaron ...
hennie wrote: Such a wonderful special boy Aaron is :)

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