Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Top 10 Kindness Stories of 2012, Story #3 - Girl Gets Up At 5AM To Decorate Her Entire Street

--by Anthea Quay, posted Dec 30, 2013

As part of her personal mission to try to bring some unexpected cheer to her neighbors, UK-based Zoe Green—who goes by the moniker Pea Green Girl—got up at 5 one April morning, or what she calls “Happy Street Day”, to decorate her entire street. 

Along Shelbourne Road, she hung balloons at a bus shelter, post-box and telephone booth; stuck Post-Its with encouraging messages on a telephone pole; and pasted a “Good Morning!” sign along the bridge so that people who drove under it could see the greeting. 

Green’s little project aimed to inspire people, and it must’ve brightened up someone else’s day—and it was her tiny step to changing the world, one smile at a time. 

“I don’t intend to change the world, but I know that if you brighten one person’s day, they are highly likely to brighten someone else’s day,” she wrote on her blog. 

If you left your house one morning and walked down the street to find it filled with lovely signs and motifs, won’t you feel like nothing could get you down? 

[Via Design Taxi]
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Readers Comments

jsmc10 wrote: I love this, thank you so much for sharing, i am so inspired by this :)
Edward wrote: Oh, my dear girl. With so tender a hand, you just brighten the whole world! Would you please carry it on to smanish all the quarrels and fights in the middle east and east asia? Good girl and great angel.
nora wingate wrote: Wow that is so fantastic. This is the street that my unity church used to be in that saved me sons life with prayer,and i used to run dial-a teddy a balloon and bear buisnes.

Thank you so much for your inspiration.

I am in the usa now and it was such fun to see shelbourne rd and the foot bridge.

Thank you so much i am on vashon island off seattle if you look at the vashon map you will see aj'expesso i live in the house just behind there.

I love the smile cards.

Love thats all there is nora
Twinkle wrote: Truly beautiful - i love all the decorations. (((hug)))
smileswithhope wrote: Wow! These pictures are so uplifting- and inspiring! Makes me want to step-up my kindness acts. :)
buddybell wrote: Many thanks to you,the world needs more people like you,what an inspiration you are,i'm sure you had a lot of people smiling! Hugs!
Mushtaq Ahmed wrote: It is a great inspiring idea. I think people should follow this and do the same at least on festival days.
Davinci PHARAOH wrote: Fantastic & very smart - if there were more people like you on this earth the wolrd would have been a far better place to live in - the would have been peace!
Dianne wrote: Dear one, this is truly an open, gracious and inspiring act of love. Recently boston, ma experienced an act of hate. Your care somehow brings hope even where there is violence. Were you born an angel? Or did you acquire it along the way?

Great work!
bilkis yusuf wrote: What a wonderful idea, to liven up the neighbourhood

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