Readers Comments
xsdni wrote: That's cool. Gotta try that if i have a ticket that's still valid.
annjav wrote: I love it. That will make a hundred people smile!
Mish wrote: I am a nyer & use mass transit. You just gave me a good idea! :)))
buddybell wrote: Many thanks for that act of kindness,keep up the good work! Hugs to you
jsmc10 wrote: So great :) made me smile :)
bilkis yusuf wrote: What a kind deed, we all need to make an effort to help in whatever way we can, such small gestures make all the difference to someone's life
maag wrote: One day i had to go to toronto to pick up my passport. As i was parking on the street in a prepay spot the person that had just left walked back and handed me the ticket that still had an hour of tme on it. What a wonderful feeling it gave me. I was at the office only a few minutes so passed the ticket on to another person. And that was a wonderful feeling too! "double whammy"
princessliz wrote: Such a generous act of kindness! :)
smileswithhope wrote: What wonderful offering for the subway-goers! Just seeing a kind gesture like that makes my day. :)
ufadave wrote: Pretty darn nice.