Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Found on the NYC Subway

--by HP, posted May 11, 2013

Pay It Forward Day has come and gone, but one New York City metro rider is keeping its spirit alive.

The anonymous do-gooder left a sweet note along with a prepaid unlimited metro card for another rider to find, use and pass on.

nyc metro note

New Yorker Michelle Attardo spotted the card on 2nd Avenue between 88th and 89th and took a photo, which she shared on Instagram.

The note reads:

Unlimited - good 'til midnight. Use, if you can; leave for someone else when you're done.

We love everything about this note, right down to its impeccable semicolon and apostrophe usage. Whoever you are, thanks for making our day -- and someone's night!

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Readers Comments

xsdni wrote: That's cool. Gotta try that if i have a ticket that's still valid.
annjav wrote: I love it. That will make a hundred people smile!
Mish wrote: I am a nyer & use mass transit. You just gave me a good idea! :)))
buddybell wrote: Many thanks for that act of kindness,keep up the good work! Hugs to you
jsmc10 wrote: So great :) made me smile :)
bilkis yusuf wrote: What a kind deed, we all need to make an effort to help in whatever way we can, such small gestures make all the difference to someone's life
maag wrote: One day i had to go to toronto to pick up my passport. As i was parking on the street in a prepay spot the person that had just left walked back and handed me the ticket that still had an hour of tme on it. What a wonderful feeling it gave me. I was at the office only a few minutes so passed the ticket on to another person. And that was a wonderful feeling too! "double whammy"
princessliz wrote: Such a generous act of kindness! :)
smileswithhope wrote: What wonderful offering for the subway-goers! Just seeing a kind gesture like that makes my day. :)
ufadave wrote: Pretty darn nice.

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