Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My Smile Deck Week

--by Su Bluebird, posted May 11, 2013
I recently received a Smile Deck, and decided to do a challenge, by drawing one card randomly every day!  Here were my opportunities for smiles this week ... 

7 ♣ - Thurs. Sent encouraging notes to family members who are far away

A   - Fri. Gave hugs to first five people I saw in the morning. They were exercising in the park. I announced my mission – to give hugs – and was enthusiastically accepted by 4, somewhat reluctantly by one.

6 ♣ - Sat. Made a lunch for my husband and included a written note with a joke in it.

9 ♣ - Sun. Put on a vintage “Sun, Wind & Fire” video for my husband & did a little joy dance to this fine disco music.

8 ♣ - Mon. Did a chore for a neighbor .Took out & carefully folded his dried laundry in our apartment laundry area.

9   - Tues. Donated a favorite recipe book to the Edinburg Public Library.

8   - Wed. Acknowledged, with *MANY THANKS*, the many kindnesses done by 'Infinite Love' volunteers (who first gifted me this Deck) every day of the week. at home, in the park, & in the community.
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Readers Comments

annjav wrote: You had an awesome week using your smile deck. Good idea and good work. Thank you for sharing it with us all.
jsmc10 wrote: Fantastic :) such a great week :)
Jennifer McLellan wrote: I like these cards
Sule wrote: Came across this site when i googled, "i want to do something nice for someone", my boyfriend was my inteneded, i ordered a deck of cards and can't wait to get them, glad i read you blog, truly insperational, hope to post my doings once i get my cards, best wished. Great job.
princessliz wrote: This sounds like fun. Something to look forward to every day :)
Tracy wrote: This sounds like so much fun. I am going to get a smile deck as soon as possible and see what kind of fun, good-hearted "mischief" i can get into"! ;)
Peacehunter wrote: Great idea. The random drawing daily. Helps us to be more spontaneous and less fearfull of giving for giving sake!
cabbage wrote: Thanks for sharing! Great ideas :-)
Su Bluebird wrote: The reprint of my smile story is so very nice. I'm honored! . Thank you, n. Mehta and infinite love - wonderful examples to us all. ☼

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