Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Firefighter's Point of View

--by Moran, posted Apr 22, 2007

Back in the day when I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life, I was studying to become a firefighter. I was a volunteer fire aide with the city of Milpitas, and was studying at mission college. As a firefighter, you're constantly thinking of other people and trying to help children. That's the mindset, at least for someone trying to get into a fraternity of brothers that is the No. 1 most difficult job in the country to get!

One night after going to class I was heading home and decided to stop off at a burrito place. This was in a part of San Jose that wasn't very good. It was dark, and it was obvious that I wasn't in a place that I would normally go to. Well I got my burrito and started to head for my car when I was approached by a homeless man. He was very dirty and obviously very hungry. He asked me for some change to buy a little food.As I was pulling some change out, I had an idea.

I decided to see if he wanted to eat a real dinner, so I asked him to follow me back into the burrito joint to order. He was ashamed of the way he looked and said he did not want to go in there. But I insisted. When he finally followed me in, the people behind the counter refused to let him in, but I told them that I was buying him dinner and he had a right to be there. After some haggling, they finally let him in where he sat down. It seemed like he was relieved a bit to be sitting at a table. Well, I asked him to order whatever he wanted. He only ordered a burrito, so I had to encourage him to order whatever and however much he wanted.

For someone who has been on the fringes of society it seemed like he was very suprised at my generosity. But to me, it was what any "human being" should do or at least offer. I know we see these people everyday asking for money and I admit it gets a little tiring after awhile, especially knowing there's a bunch of fraudsters out there just hustling money for alcohol or drugs. You had to be there to see the look in his face. To me it reminded me when I was young and my mom brought out a big birthday cake for me on my birthday, with all the candy, chocolate and goodies that we were about to eat. He was like that kid again, getting to experience a feast. And I think he felt special, like he was getting attention. Again something that I could see he hadn't experienced in a long time.

Well he ended up ordering enough to fill his stomach at least 3 times over! I often think about this story, because to me it's not just about helping someone out by feeding them, but giving him the respect and dignity of being a human being and allowing him to feel good about himself was very rewarding.

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Readers Comments

Donna wrote: Your goodness inspires me! Imagine if we all spent the couple of extra dollars that you did to show those less fortunate that we are all children of God.

Your story remainds me of last week's Gospel - You are living the Word of God.

Blessings to you. Keep letting others see the face of Christ in you!
anil wrote: Thx for sharing this story. Many times, we ignore to see that we are all connected in bigger schedme of things. By heloping others, we are helpling ourselves only.
anita wrote: Thanks for sharing the good work :). I was immidiately inspired to do something kind 'right that moment'. I took off from my cube to the break room. Took a smile card out of my wallet, attached a dollar bill and stuck it on the vending machine!
I have a big smile just thinking about it.
miranda wrote: i promise i have never thought of being that generous in life -its a big challenge to me en the world,thanks a lot.!
toys wrote: thank you for your story. i hope that when i find myself in a similar situation, i will find the courage to break the barriers of my own ignorant prejudice so that i can recognize the humanity in street people and give them the dignity due all human beings.
brighteyes wrote: Moran-I applaud you not just for your generosity but for your kind and loving heart....I have given money and food to the homeless BUT I have never taken the time to make them feel respected and special nor invite them to eat..WOW, that impressed me and I teared up...keep up the good works....thanks for sharing...its "good food for thought".
tonigirl wrote: Your gift of kindness shows you understand what it means to know in you heart that "you too are a divine idea in the mind of God."

How loving and kind to give this man respect and to insist others do too.

Peace & Blessings - tonigirl
ADEMI wrote: I like the last statement. We should always make people feel respected no matter what and equally feel like a human being that they are. They need to be helped to see that it is only circumstances that is not favourable to them at the time but that does not reduce them or should then make them feel less than others because anything can happen tomorrow for good for them. That is why some times even when we give, how do we do it? You can give someone an assistance and that person will live you and shed more tears instead of smilling and being gratefull to God for using you to help. Our reaction when helping matters too. We need to raise their self esteem, make them feel important, cherished, adored, honoured and wanted. Even if all you give is just a good attitude, that might just be enough to brighten their day and beyond because such gesture is not forgotten by such people again because it's not what they get from everybody everyday.
Aurelia wrote: Moran, That was a touching story. You proved that it's not what's on the outside that counts, it's what's on the inside. We all have hidden treasures. Hopefully that gentlemen will realize he can pull himself up and out of the streets because your gesture. Thank You for being so Caring and Kind. SMILE ~Aurelia
AiyaZaynab wrote: What a wonderful story, that man will remember you for a very long time! Thank you for being so nice to him, if only there were more people out there like you.

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