Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness in Illness

--by Donna, posted Aug 9, 2006
About 10 years ago I was in a coma. One nurse who bathed me always talked to me like I was "here". A dear friend came and read every Saturday. My 12 children took turns taking vigil.

The neurologist told them I'd pribably die and if I didn't I'd be a vegetable. I awoke after 2 strokes. I went from not seeing, couldn't talk and couldn't move to making steady progress. I learned to talk, got my memory back, began a new job and drive. Yes I'm paralyzed on my right side but the Lord healed me. There is always hope if we band together in prayer.
2230 Reads

Readers Comments

Robin wrote: Keep Going My dear friend....
Aurelia wrote: God Bless you. May we all live to witness a miracle like you someday! I hope you can smile...even if it's a crooked smile... :) ~Aurelia

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