Readers Comments
Yarrow wrote: Wow...this story gives me hope that good deeds are still being taught by parents and television hasn't completly taken over....I am so happy
Paul B wrote: What a lovely story, that has really inspierd me to do somthing for somebody else! thankyou very much,
vishnu wrote: this story not only inspires but makes one ponder are we giving enough?
bunty wrote: really a g8 story.Hope we can learn to do such acts .
Suchitra wrote: There are really no words to describe the actions of this small child.I am sure all of us have an innate quality to at least appreciate this wonderful gesture.But in reality do we ever make an effort to give a little bit of kindness without selfish reasons?
sheetal wrote: what an angel.... if i ever find her she is going to get a giant bear hug from me...
Bob Shank wrote: May the kindness and generosity she displays at this age carry her through life! Somehow, I know in my heart that it will!
Bonnie wrote: What a wonderful story!! That little girl will go a long way in life. Maybe she will be our first woman president when she grows up. We can only hope :)
Kat wrote: This story captured me! It is amazing what little children are capable of. They sometimes see the things that as adults we miss during the busy hustle of the day! That little girl sounds amazing, and her story will be one I never forget!
Sharon wrote: Actually, I didn't post this, but I did write it. It has been published in five books (including the "Chicken Soup" series) and many web sites. It is a true story, and it happened over 10 years ago, so that little girl is likely college-bound by now! I keep hoping she (or her family) will recognize her in the story and get in touch with me! If it ever happens, I'll definitely let people know! (I'll probably write about it, and publish it, but I'll post it here as well if the site is still up!)
~ Namaste ~
~ Namaste ~