Readers Comments
cf wrote: Wow - what a beautiful story, what a bold and heartfelt act of kindness. Both drove tears to my eyes. Such beauty in this world. I'm so glad for stories like this to balance all the stuff easily labeled as "negative".
jsmc10 wrote: This is so beautiful and sad, bless you all
Pamala wrote: Beautiful souls giving such a precious gift to a child that she'll hold in her heart forever. It's moments like this that remind us of what life is truly about. Thank you sooo much for sharing it with us.
Cher wrote: This story has lifted my spirits and helps me to realize that there are truly many wonderful people in this world even though we see and hear about mostly negative everyday. Thanks.
sandra wrote: What a wonderful story. Thank you mom, for encouraging your child to believe in god and heaven. And blessing will surely be bestowed on whomever the postman was that not only took the time to respond to the letter but to also use personal funds to send the book along with the kind note. It shows there certainly are still good people in this world, and people with christian beliefs!
Twinkle wrote: That is just so beautiful - there are some lovely people out there.
brownowlster wrote: What a fantastic story. God really does work in mysterious ways. This kind of story should really be on the front page of a news paper.
God bless.
God bless.
Glennis wrote: What a wonderful thing to do. Our guardian angels are at work all the time.
Patt wrote: Awesome
petroskryf wrote: Pawsome moving!