Readers Comments
Mish wrote: Give and it shall be given unto you..... your kind heart and your faith are beautiful.
jsmc10 wrote: thank you for helping others aswell. I wish they done this on the Island
Dobby wrote: Thanks for this post reminding us that when God asks us to do something, we need to answer as Mary did, just say yes, and let God handle the details, which He did quite nicely here. I'm ALWAYS amazed at how God helps me to carry out the yes I give to Him.
denisemj wrote: This is so Wonderful! God will supply all of our needs - so Glad you followed your heart. Thank you so much for caring and sharing this story. Smiles :):)
kidzfirst wrote: Beautifully said! Very kind of you to give to others even when you weren't sure if you could afford to do so.
princessliz wrote: Great sotry! :)
God loves it when we act in faith, and he always covers for us. when we feed others, we feed Him aswell.
May He bless your giving heart.
Thanks for shring this :)
God loves it when we act in faith, and he always covers for us. when we feed others, we feed Him aswell.
May He bless your giving heart.
Thanks for shring this :)
DigitalMind wrote: Well done. We all need to eat, it's a basic necessity and I can't believe there are still starving people in the world. There's enough food for everyone, it's the way the world handles it (money / profit) that makes it rough. THANK YOU for doing this even though times are hard for you too !!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Every little things matters. Bless you for your kindness and may you be blessed immensely! :)
AURELIA wrote: Trust in the Lord! I love that you got LARGE boxes of rice...and 2 not 1. Ripple of love and kindness will continue to flow because of people like you. Thank YOU for inspiring us. :0) Smiles are Contagious and I have a wide smile because of this post!!!! :0) ~Aurelia
Blessed2BKind wrote: Thanks for sharing. Bless you for caring and sharing what you had.