Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Spreading Smiles On a Father-Daughter Date Night!

--by MakeSomeoneSmile, posted Jul 14, 2013
At least once a month one of my little kindness kids Rachel and I try to have a father/daughter date night. Last night we were out for dinner together after doing some fun things. We talked about some of her kindness activities she did at school for their 100 Acts of Kindness challenge her class had. It was great to listen to the little things she and her classmates did to spread kindness.

Many times on our date nights we try to do an act of kindness of our own, as she is often my sidekick on our kindness adventures.

My latest Smile Deck card is one about anonymously buying a stranger's meal so I asked Rachel if we should find someone in the restaurant and buy their dinner. She loved the idea so we chose an older couple sitting behind us. I had a few Smile Cards on me (as always!) so we discretely told our server our plan. He was new and wasn't sure how to do it but said he would go and find out.

When he dropped off the checks, he smiled at us and told us he would give them the Smile Cards and that the world needed more people like us. Rachel got the biggest smile on her face when he said that to her and I love that he helped remind her that kindness matters. My daughter normally likes to stay and watch the reactions of our kindness "victims" but we had to get going.

When we got home she was so excited to tell her Mom about what we did. My wife told Rachel how nice that was and how it would spread many smiles with the server, his manager, the couple and anyone else they told about the experience. We love any ripple of kindness we can send out into the world and I'm sure we made the couple smile with that one last night!
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Readers Comments

Rash wrote: Great job to teach your daughter and inspiring all of us on ho! Thanks for sharing
niececatz wrote: So fabulous! I lost my dad when i was 8 years old and remember each and every time we went out "on our own". It's a smart thing to do. And she will cherish those memories always, hopefully with you holding her hand along the way, but if not. She will cherish them even more. Heartfelt light and goodness your way sir.
Mish wrote: Congrats. This chosen "story of the week"!
Stuart Young wrote: Ok - so i'm gonna print my own cards up and start doing this. Thanks for the inspiration. :)
kinderheart wrote: What a great foundation you are laying for your daughter's future. Wish more dads are like you. You both are special.

Many smiles to you.
Alraisi wrote: You're very blessed with a very beautiful family my friend. God has given you such an amazing heart to inspire everyone! Keep it up!
annjav wrote: You and Rachel make an awesome kindness team! Good work at starting a huge kindness ripple!
AURELIA wrote: Thanks for showing the "Older Generation" that our world isn't all that bad. Thank you for inspiring us and for spending quality time with your little girl. She will always remember these special times. I'm sure she journals about them. :0) You make me Smile....~Aurelia
princessliz wrote: You're teaching her the right things. I love hearing that as a dad, you're spending quality time with your daughter, even that is a loving act in itself.
Many blessings to you and your family MSS :)
Mish wrote: What the world needs now is more people like you & your daughter spreading kindness, definitely ! Kindness to you too. :))

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