Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Cucumber From Our Backyard

--by earthling, posted Aug 12, 2006
On a Saturday morning, I glanced out of our window to see our chubby, middle-aged postman huffing and puffing on his rounds. I went out with a glass of water. He refused it politely but stopped for a few minutes to chat.

He told me about how his delivery car has no air conditioning but federal law requires that he has to drive with his windows fully shut so terrorists can not get to it easily!

I wanted to offer him something cool - so while he went about his rounds, I frantically looked for something he could take with him and found a cucumber from our garden.

When he came to drop off our mails, I offered it to him and his round, chubby face lit up instantly!

He started talking about his garden and how he cares for his garden. I could sense a bit of sadness when he said that his cucumber wines didn't flourish this summer. But he immediately smiled and said "but am so happy to see healthy ones from another garden!"

As he moved on , turned back and said that sharing of this cucumber meant a lot for the gardener within him. It meant a whole lot for me too.
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Readers Comments

Friend wrote: How very nice of you to think of the garden treat! You must be very considerate to even think of the postman, all I think about is what's in the mailbox today...bills or greetings! said his cucumber"Wines" and I think you meant vines...
Doris wrote: wonderful story,,too many times we think of delivery people as "so what there only doing there job" this maybe true but they are also humans and I know you made his day a bit brighter and his mailload a lot lighter...
Jedibabe wrote: Homegrown produce has an extra-ordinary ability to lift spirits! Kudos to you for sharing the fruits of your garden with your wilting mailman.

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