Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sticky Note Smiles

--by mssmileyface, posted Aug 17, 2013
About a month ago, I went out to purchase post-it notes, and colorful markers, and I put on my thinking cap! 

Messages of love, forgiveness, patience, gratitude and happiness went on those sticky notes, and I posted them in public spaces where I thought it would make someone smile to find it.

It's not much, but it makes me happy to do it.  I hope that once someone else finds a note, they will receive the happiness that I feel, and perhaps even pay-it-forward! :)
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Readers Comments

FairyBubbles wrote: I really love what you are doing with those post its. You are really spreading love. (((HUG)))
Bluebell wrote: Great idea :-)
DeniseM wrote: Good way to express loving kindness for others!
jsmc10 wrote: :) awesome idea :) I think maybe you and melbells should talk to each other, you both seem to have the same idea ish :)
denisemj wrote: Ok! I missed it, but look forward to the next one. Smiles :):)
Mish wrote: Looks like your picture disappeared like mine usually do... Hmmm :)))))
mssmileyface wrote: It's because I didn't do it right. LOL I'll learn eventually!
Mish wrote: When you learn how please let me know because my pictures ALWAYS disappear! Thanks :)))
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: A lovely way to spread smiles! :)
Anny wrote: This is such a great thing to do! I tried it today at a mall and it was really really fun, and better if you are careful so that anybody sees you, makes you feel like a secret agent haha. Have a nice day :)

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