Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Letters Of Gratefulness

--by birdie, posted Sep 2, 2013
For me, this year started with lot of love being showered by lot of people. I received lot of acceptance, forgiveness, and I felt the love of the universe in the way it sent angels into my life to take care of me and ensure I reach places and meet people who would support my journey.
Needless to say, the year also started with a feeling of gratefulness. The fact that I am what I am today is largely because of the people who have come in my life. It doesn't matter if they were there for short or long periods of time. They have touched my being and changed my life in their own unique ways!
My heart was so overflowing with gratitude that I wanted to tell all these lovely people how much they have meant to me! So, I decided to write "letters of gratefulness."
I wanted them to be handwritten and I also added a bit of art work and added one special thing we shared in some form.
It's three months down the line and I still continue to write. This is perhaps the only new year resolution I have ever kept!
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Readers Comments

rkwolfgang wrote: You are really walking the talk. Actually sending a letter is an act that takes time, energy, thought, and is a actual piece of material that touches another. I am impressed.
IhanaElama wrote: This is a great new year resolution! Thank you for inspiring :) i want to do the same thing now. And i am thinking of writing also to those people who have no idea that they have had a positive effect on me, like old colleagues, teachers, neighbors. Wow, i can't wait to get started. Thank you, you got me thinking!
debj wrote: A treasured gift you have given them.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is great! :)
denisemj wrote: What a Lovely idea! Smiles :):)
jsmc10 wrote: So fantastic :) I love letting people know just how I grateful I am about things :) I'm sure they are just as happy to receive them :)
FairyBubbles wrote: They are really lovely gifts that you are sending - something to be treasured by the receiver.
Mish wrote: That was a grand resolution to choose & to keep! Good for you :)))))
Bluxess wrote: You are doing one of the most rapidly disappearing act of kindness and hence may you know you are very special because of the very conservation you are aiming at birdie. I assume that all those people whom you want are very special :-) Lucky them :-))

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