Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A paycheck, a heartfelt gift, and all submerged in love

--by kinderheart, posted Aug 26, 2013
How would you feel if you gifted your whole month’s paycheck to a friend in need?

A) Happy
B) Ecstatic
C) Fortunate with loads of gratitude
D) Submerged in love
E) All of the above

The answer is E-- at least that's how she felt when she handed a small envelope to her friend. In it, contained her month's earnings as well as a note saying how much she appreciates her friendship, and this small gift is a way to show her that she is loved and cared.
This lovely soul happens to be my sister.

When she joined a choir, she met a woman in her early thirties, who works day and night, teaching piano and music theory to many students. This woman receives little moral support or help from her family. She is also in school to pursue her own career in music. To make ends meet, she works several jobs, all seven days of the week. With a schedule as full as that, she often gets tired and stressed as she struggles with time. My sister became friends with her, and remembered how hard it is to be on your own, especially at the beginning of your career.

So one day, my sister invited this friend to have dinner with her. They shared many laughs, chatted over pizza, and enjoyed the evening. When her friend was about to leave, my sister said, “Wait, I want to show you something."

Her friend didn’t have the slightest clue what was coming to her. It's probably something on the phone, or some photo, a quote, or joke, she thought.

Then my sister gave her that envelope.
When she opened the envelope, she couldn’t believe her eyes. Tears rolled down after she read the note.  
Why? Why this? What are you doing? How could you be so generous? Am I really that fortunate? How can I repay you?

All sorts of questions flooded her mind.  “This is a gift from my heart to yours. It's not a loan to pay back later. Please accept this gift, and if you really want to do something then pay it forward by helping someone," my sister said.
They exchanged a hug and a smile, and the friend left. Going home on a scooter on such a cold winter night wasn’t that cold anymore.
(How lucky I am to call this wonderful person my sister.)
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Readers Comments

margaret.zimmer wrote: Beautiful. Thank you for sharing this!
debj wrote: So heartwarming and kind~ :o)
Indrani wrote: It should be, as human being all we have to.
marcosfss wrote: Can i ask you sister to be my sister too? What wonderful heart. Thanks for sharing.
debj wrote: Beautiful and heartwarming.
strugglingmom wrote: Speechless :)
Wolfskin2000 wrote: I can't even begin to describe the inspiration and hope which are inspired by this story..! Just wow. Wow. A very (-very-very!) touching story and thank you so much for sharing it with us! I hope it helps all of us to give more and spread kindness all around!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Wow that is fantastic! Regardless of how much her gift was, the fact that your sister did such an unselfish act out of life is wonderful! :)
Dobby wrote: What a wonderful story of going that extra mile for someone! So now, each of us can think of ways of going that extra mile as well. May not be with money, but maybe time, labor, talent. Thanks for this!
Mish wrote: Your share evoked a deep breath & lovely sigh in me... Thank you. :))
Your sister is special (& so are you!)

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