Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Pocketful Of Chocolates

--by A2Zmom4, posted Sep 4, 2013
I always keep a little baggie of bite-size chocolates in my purse, or pocket, to give whenever a nice gesture is required.
Often, I accompany the handful of treats with a Smile card to thank someone for good service at a store or restaurant.
Everyone needs to be appreciated!
1763 Reads

Readers Comments

grazia1377 wrote: That's so neat! I'd really feel appreciated if i was the receiver. Mind if i borrow your idea? Thank you.
grace palmos wrote: That's a great idea! Mind if i borrow it? Thank you.
peacehunter wrote: So simple & so sweet. :)
shruti vijay wrote: :) i guess the world would be a better place. If each one of us did this!
FairyBubbles wrote: Chocolate and smile cards are some of my favourite things - (((HUG)))
A2Zmom4 wrote: thanks - mine, too!!
jsmc10 wrote: That's so great :) always be prepared :D
Mish wrote: I love chocolate -kindness......... Sweet! :))
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is very "sweet" of you! :)
AURELIA wrote: Everyone loves chocolate :0) That's a great idea! :0) ~Aurelia

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