Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Chocolate bars, flowers, and a morning I'll always remember

--by smileswithhope, posted Aug 31, 2013
This morning, I arrived at my office a bit earlier to catch up on some emails. It was relatively empty, with people trickling in here and there. On the way to work today, I had also stopped by the grocery store to pick up some fruits to share with my colleagues during our morning meeting. I couldn't help it when I passed a fresh stack of yellow flowers on my way to the cash register... I had to pick some up, along with a few chocolate bars, to gift in some way.

With the office so empty, I decided to take the opportunity to pick a few random desks to plop the chocolate bars on. :) My heart raced a bit as I scurried through the office, headed towards cubicles and areas where no one had come in yet. :)

I placed one on the CEO's desk, and snuggled a smile card in between the chocolate bar and computer mouse. Then I swung by his assistant's desk and placed one there, and quickly put a third on a desk of a quiet gentleman on the other side of the building. 

Then, I went to the kitchen, filled two cups of water, and speed-walked into the bathroom. I took out the bunch of flowers from my bag, arranged them in two bunches, one in each cup. We have two single bathrooms side-by-side, so I placed one arrangement by the sink in each one.

Finished, with a little sigh of relief, I stepped out of the bathroom and looked around me. The office was still pretty empty and the people closest to me were pretty occupied in a light Monday morning "How was your weekend?" conversation.

I smiled, and snuck back to my desk, heart still pounding with a "Secret Tagging Mission Complete" sense of exhilaration. 

I have no idea how they each received their gifts, but it sure brought a smile to my day! And to complete the circle, a housemate who had so sweetly packed my lunch for me today snuck a chocolate bar in there, which I couldn't help but place on the desk of our receptionist as I headed out of the office this evening.

She is almost always the first person in the office, and she always greets me with a smile when I come in. Maybe, tomorrow morning, this little gift can greet her. :)
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Readers Comments

Dobby wrote: Thanks for being a very busy Goodness bee in your office! I do the same thing too. There's some desks I haven't been able to his cuz the person is either there or there's someone close by.
Mish wrote: What lovely shares... this made me smile a lot......THANK YOU :))))))))
jsmc10 wrote: :) you're so lovely, I bet you are their ray of sunshine :)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is very cool and your "Secret Tagging Mission Complete" feeling made me smile! :)
jcdery wrote: You are awesome! I too love that sense of exhilaration that comes with these "secret tagging missions" this morning i am planning my "mission" of the day - thanks for your inspiration!
debj wrote: You are amazing!
cheese wrote: Thats such a lovely act! Thanks for the inspiration ;)
Sharyn wrote: Loved the story! What a great way to spread a smile!
roja wrote: You are soooo sweet. Thank u for sharing
petroskryf wrote: It's indeed the small things that count. We need more kindness like this.

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